Two meet in the Rhodesia Ridgeback Labrador Mix decidedly muscular and athletic races on each other.
The result can only be one Energetic medium to large dog be, which will mainly accompany you on outdoor adventures.
fond of children how he is, romps and rages he with these through your gardenif you allow this!
The most important things about the Ridgeback Labrador Mix in brief:
Size & Life Expectancy:
- Size & weight in males: up to 40 kg with up to 69 cm
- Size & weight in bitches: up to 61 cm with about 36 kg
- Life expectancy: 14 years are possible
Character: intelligent and willing to learn, spirited and active, playful, friendly, fond of children and loyal
Special feature: This great protector takes his duties seriously and requires little grooming despite spending a lot of time outdoors.
The Ridgeback Labrador Mix inherits naturally from both sides his powerful muscles and with it his joy of movement.
Her Nose is fundamental black and the widely spaced ears can these half-breeds collapse. Based on long snout can you see her natural curiosity and curiosity read off.
Her limbed legs are for endurance runs made and Active families are happy about its elegant movements.
He is his own Size quite aware and proven body controlwhen it comes to moving through apartments that are a bit smaller and full of decorations.
His eye color always reflects shades of brown contrary. these can from a rich amber to the chocolaty brown of darker varieties are sufficient.
Height Weight
Since both the Rhodesian Ridgeback and the Labrador Retriever are among the rather large dog breeds, they naturally inherit their considerable height from both parents.
males can thereby stately 69 cm reach height but at least 60 cm. Your athletic-elegant shape brings between 36 and 40 kg on the scales.
Female Ridgeback Labrador Mix reach with 61 cm also a sizable height and will be between 35 and 37 kg weigh.
Colors & coat texture
Only if the Labrador Retriever’s parents are absolutely dominant will your four-legged friend have a double coat of thick undercoat and a rather short top coat.
In the most cases is it plain fur be with short or medium length hair and classic density. There are no curls or waves in his hair, even if they should be a little longer.
Brushing twice a week will add an extra sparkle to his look. The texture can be described as almost silky.
In the coat color you will find all the shades that the Labrador Retriever or the Rhodesian Ridgeback can show. Whereby the Ridgeback presents itself mostly in reddish tones.
In principle, a combination of two of the colors is also possible. Mostly in the form of a lighter chest and creamier underbelly.
From black to brown and red in various shades, lighter cream is also available as a color.
Character & temperament of Rhodesian Ridgeback Labrador crossbreeds
As one might expect from a mongrel, its Parents as well as Hunter as well as protector and guardian are, he is exceeding intelligent. This makes it easy for him to learn.
It doesn’t have to make training easier for you because these dogs are also very independent and have a mind of their own. A little experience and above all loving consequence are advised here.
In South Africa, Rhodesian Ridgeback Labrador crossbreeds are still popularly known as guard dogs used and they do it no difference whether they are to guard the house, yard, herds or children.
Lovingly keep an eye on the little bipeds of the family and bark loudly to indicate that strangers are approaching.
energetic and curiousas is also their nature, they also like to be carried away to play and romp with the children.
His powerful muscles should not only im for health reasons training remain. Physical and mental challenges it needs for the Ridgeback Labrador Mix with nice regularity.
Dog sports, intelligence games and Agility course could well develop into new family hobbies here.
attitude & upbringing
The tall Rhodesian Ridgeback Labrador Mix and its characteristics needs a little space of its own whether it is an apartment or a house.
The dog basket should be there should not be placed next to the TV or other electronic devices to ensure a good night’s sleep.
It should be noted that regular groomingWhich one is your best to start with twice ritual in your week plans. It makes sense though always also the teeth, eyes and claws as well as the ears for contamination to control.
Since he can fold his ears, his skin there offers an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, which can also spread further. Checks should also be carried out by you outside of appointments with the doctor.
He doesn’t necessarily have to take baths, but jThe more active you are in the great outdoors, the more effort it takes to keep your fur and skin clean.
get used to him regular ritualsBecause a puppy is easier to handle than an adult Ridgeback Labrador Mix that has never been showered.
It takes one for his upbringing gentle but consistent hand. You can Learning commands very quickly, keep but her own head and as natural guardians they like to think of themselves as the alpha in the pack.
They are always patient and loving towards children, even if they heed the «dos and don’ts» when dealing with the new family member.
Breeding & Health
Since her healthy traits are important for longevity, you should definitely look for a reputable breeder, even if it means a higher price!
Large dog breeds are known for having them Problems with hips and other joints can get. Both of your mixed breed parent breeds fall under this and one Documentation of parental health is essential.
Ears are often overlooked when caring for dogs. Especially with this mongrel is one regular controll important not to hearing damage can come.
In addition, both races and mixed breeds must paid attention to nutrition become. They tend to overindulge, and if they don’t exercise enough, they quickly gain weight, which only accelerates joint problems.
In this context are also calculate treats. As a foregone conclusion family dogbecause of his loving properties, you must remind your children not to slip him something all the time.
Life expectancy
You can in any case assume that you will keep your ridgeback labrador mix for the next ten years will have as a family member.
12 years is not uncommon in this hybrid dog breed. Healthy and species-appropriate nutrition provided, as well as good handling and attention to their needs can also give him 14 years bring life expectancy.
What is there to consider with Ridgeback Labrador Mix puppies?
For a healthy Rhodesian Ridgeback Labrador mixed breed puppy with certificates, 1000 euros can also be paid. Its price moves at least over 700 euros from reputable breeders.
Because Rhodesian Ridgebacks can come from torture breeding, the breeder must give you one complete and conscientious documentation not only to your puppy, but also to his parents. A reputable breeder will do this at all times!
Socialize your puppy as early as possible and get them all anyway tipswhich your breeder for handling and care of your Ridgeback Labrador Mix has for you!
No matter how innocent his brown eyes are, make it clear from the start that you are the alpha of the household!