Portrait of a Labrador Poodle Mix (with pictures)

The Labrador poodle mix has a recent and interesting history.

By crossing two different dog breeds, a new one was to be created in Australia in 1989 guide dog be bred, which is also suitable for allergy sufferers.

Why the choice on the poodle and the Labrador Retrievers has fallen, you will find out in this article.

The most important things about the Labrador Poodle Mix in brief:

Size & Life Expectancy:

  • Standard Labradoodle: 22 to 29 kilograms
  • Medium Labradoodle: 13 to 20 kilograms
  • Mini Labradoodle: 13 to 20 kilograms
  • Life expectancy 12 – 15 years

character: smart, social, friendly, playful, adaptable, calm and easygoing

special feature: In the case of designer dogs, it has so far been considered impossible to be recognized as a separate breed. However, the Australian Labradoodle is well on the way to doing so.


While efforts are being made in Australia to create their own breed standard, in Europe the Labrador Poodle mixed breed is more of a surprise package.

The optical ideal here is the sturdy Build of the Labrador Retriever with an appearance reminiscent of a teddy bear.

Height Weight

Size and weight can vary widely as there are three stages in breeding the Labradoodle.

The Standard Labradoodlewhich is a cross between a Labrador Retriever and a standard or king poodle, males are in between in size 55 and 60 centimeters, about two centimeters less in bitches. The weight is between 22 and 29 kilograms.

At the Medium Labradoodle is the weight 13 to 20 kilograms. Male dogs reach a size between 45 and 50 centimetersbitches will be 43 to 48 centimeters large.

The Miniature Labradoodle will 7 to 11 kilograms heavy and is about 8 to 10 centimeters smaller than the middle relative.

Colors & coat texture

The color range of the Labradoodle is very broad. everything is possible, from monochrome creamy white to brown and red to black.

The texture of the fur can also vary short to long, straight or curly, and soft or rough.

While the Labrador sheds moderately to heavily, the Poodle does not shed any hair. Although the Labradoodle is less hypoallergenic than the poodle, it is still a tip for allergy sufferers.

Character & nature of the Labradoodle

The poodle has always been a smarter, friendlier and playful family and companion dog with moderate temperament.

The also friendly and intelligent To this day, Labrador Retrievers are also often referred to as working dog deployed. Be faithful, caring and cautious essence makes him a popular one Therapy and guide dog.

Since the poodle’s fur is also considered hypoallergenic, it made sense to cross these two dog breeds to create a new allergy-friendly guide and family dog ​​breed.

attitude & upbringing

In general, the Labradoodle is considered easy to learn and suitable for beginners.

It may sound amazing, but the poodle has a bigger one hunting instinct as the retriever. If this prevails in the Labradoodle, you should train your dog to be available at an early stage.

The Labradoodle is a smart, intelligent yet playful dog, so he should sufficiently challenged and busy become.

If your dog isn’t busy, he’ll get bored. In the best case, he nibbles on shoes and the home furnishings. However, a lack of exercise can also lead to massive problems in the social behavior of the four-legged friend.

The Labradoodle is very suitable for families with children. However, since he sometimes a little overzealous and a child runs over the edge out of joy, the child and dog should be slowly introduced to each other.

Keeping a Labrador Poodle mix in an apartment is not a problem as long as he meets his moderate need for exercise at least two hours a day can satisfy.

Like the retriever, the Labradoodle is a real water rat. Therefore, the path should often lead past the water.

Although the Labradoodle is allergy prone, their coat is equally so high maintenance. Daily brushing and combing and regular clipping and trimming are a must.

Depending on the extent of the curls, the fur can quickly become matted.

Breeding & Health

The aim of crossing two different dog breeds is not only to combine the best characteristics of the respective dogs. Diseases typical of the breed should also be bred away, so to speak.

It should be clear to everyone that this is not always possible. Because both the Labrador Retriever and the (large) poodle are susceptible to Hip and joint dysplasia.

Also, both dog breeds are often from eye diseases like progressive retinal atrophy.

These diseases are often hereditary and therefore also apply to the Labradoodle.

Of course, health risks also depend on reputable breeding. The Standard Labradoodle is crossed half from a Labrador Retriever and half from a Standard Poodle.

To get a medium-sized Labrador Poodle mix, cross a Labradoodle with another smaller Poodle or Labrador.

Only in this second stage can a Miniature Poodle be crossed in order to gradually obtain the desired Miniature Labradoodle.

Crossing the miniature poodle directly with a retriever would have fatal consequences misalignmentssuch as a jaw that is too large, results in a head that is too small.

Therefore, you should pay particular attention to a reputable breeder. You should be able to see the parent animals or at least get verifiable proof of their origin.

Life expectancy

The average life expectancy of the Labrador poodle mix is 12 to 15 years.

What is there to consider with Labrador Poodle Mix puppies?

Precisely because the appearance of Labradoodles is very complex in terms of three sizes, the choice of breeder is particularly important.

This is particularly important for the smallest form of the Labrador Poodle crossbreed, as these are often torture breeds in which the stages of breeding to a small four-legged friend have been skipped.

To rule out health risks, all health checks of both parents are present. Likewise, both parents should have a verifiable family tree feature.

The Australian Labradoodle would be an alternative to the «normal» designer Labradoodle. However, breeders in this country are rare and difficult to find.

A puppy costs between reputable breeders 500 and 1500 euros. With the Australian Labradoodle, the range extends up to 2000 Euro.

While reputable breeders can be hard to find overall, the market often offers puppies for over $3000. Most of the time you can have the puppy immediately, but legitimate questions are not answered, and there is no evidence of its origin.

Keep your hands off such offers, because even vaccination books and test results that are given can be fake.