Popocatépetl, the volcano legend

Popocatepetl is imposing. He is there with his crater looking at the sky for hundreds of years, taking care of the communities that surround him. But behind this land formation hide impressive legends that tell us a little better their birth, as well as why of their peculiar nickname. Don Goyo «As she is also known,» he has recently given signs of life in case someone believed him dead, and despite the risks that an explosion entails or, even, ash and fumaroles are signs of how alive this natural giant is.

Popocatepetl's story It is like that of all volcanoes, that is, it was formed in one of the two possible ways: due to the continuous movement of the earth's bark plates, or by the expulsion of incandescent fluid that must be released from the earth in some way. However, Our dear Popo It has its own story and is unique, in addition, it is about the love, protection and greatness of a hero, do you know it?

Eternal love gave life to the Popocatepetl volcano.

Erik / Unspash.

The legend of the Popocatépetl and Iztaccíhuatl volcans

In addition to being the second and third highest mountains in Mexico, this pair of volcanoes refer to a legend that involves the love between the two. It tells the story that these are, in reality, a maiden and a warrior, both tlaxcaltecas. She, Iztaccíhuatl, was the smartest and most beautiful princess ever seen who fell in love with Popocatépetl, a Bravío warrior E, just like her, I bet like none.

The love between them emerged after seeing himself for the first time. So, Popocatepetl asked the princess's hand To the chief of the people, who was the father, he granted it as long as he did not neglect his main task: Protect the Tlaxcalteca people Every time he needed it, because he was part of the army of the place. However, the promise became real when the people went into war with their staunch enemies, the Aztecs. Then, the chief told the warrior that if he returned alive could marry Iztaccíhuatl I will barely step on Tlaxcalteca soil.