Pomeranian (Zwergspitz): profile, colors, character

In this country is the cute Pomeranian as Pomeranian known. The little ball of fur on four paws is the breed you fell in love with?

Then it is certainly interesting for you everything worth knowing about the Pomeranian find out.

For example appearance, origin and character. You will find out all of this in our detailed breed portrait.

Pomeranian Wanted Poster

Size Male: up to 20 cm
Female: up to 18 cmWeightMale: up to 3.5 kg
Female: up to 1.9 kgColorsBlack, Blue, Red, White, Cream, Tan, Brown, Orange, Gray CloudedLife expectancy12 to 16 yearsOriginGermany & Polandcharacter/temperamentPlayful, bright, agile, friendly, cheerful, stubborn, affectionate, intelligent, confident, alertFCI groupGroup 5, Spitz and Archetypes, Section 4, European Spitz


The Pomeranian or Miniature Spitz has a special feature – except, of course, that he just outrageously cute is:

He looks like a cotton ball that has come to life. The most striking feature is therefore first of all fluffy and long fur.

This hides you small body with short, slender legs. The round face from which watchful eyes look, is doing by a little lion’s mane framed.

The little head is completed by small, pointed and close-set ears.

The snout reminiscent of the one foxes – and is already an indicator of the sometimes cheeky character of this breed.

With this breed, please make sure that your Pomeranian or Pom from a reputable breeder originates!

Because unfortunately here is have been abused or abused in recent decades.

As a result, this breed was supposed to look especially cute, which is why it was bred not only extra small, but also after the so-called baby scheme.

coat, coat texture and coat colors

The Pomeranian’s coat is very long and dense. It also consists of top coat and a thick one undercoat.

It’s fluffy and silky and comes in different colorings before. Among other things, the following are permitted here Black, White, Orange/Red, Tan, Cream and Gray clouded.

eye colors

The eyes looking mischievously at the worldwhich are reminiscent of buttons in shape, are usually brown to dark brown. There are no other eye colors in this breed.

History & Origin of the Pomeranian

The Pomeranian is coming originally from Germany or Poland/Pomerania – hence the name. However, strictly speaking, this breed was the large Spitz.

This made his way in the 17th/18th Century from Pomerania to Great Britain. Here again he was then Pomeranian called.

The British bred the Spitz smaller and smaller over the following decades and centuries.

And this mini version finally found made their way back to Germany in the 1970s. As a breed in its own right, the Pomeranian recognized by the FCI in 1953.

Nature & character of the Pomeranian

If you decide to have a Pomeranian as a fluffy roommate, you can look forward to it for the next few years lots of cheerfulness, cheerfulness and temperament be happy.

Because the little fluffy nose is one real happy nature, which always puts you in a good mood. In addition, this breed very intelligent, active, playful and clingy.

So being left alone is something that the four-legged dwarf does not particularly appreciate.

As a confident and particularly affectionate and people-related dog he will also let you know this fact – if necessary with loud background music. Because the Pomeranian is also considered very communicative dog breed.

attitude & upbringing

Of course, a Pomeranian also has certain requirements when it comes to keeping and training. We will now explain what these look like in detail.


The Pomeranian is not called the Pomeranian for nothing. After all, he’s a miniature dog. So he is suitable for apartment and city keeping.

Of course, he doesn’t want to be out and about in your four walls all day, but also wants to go for a walk every day.

How else would the curious button be able to read its messages in the form of new smells?

Due to its small size, it is usually sufficient if you one hour a day on the road with him are you.

The Pom doesn’t need more exercise – on the contrary, it would probably tire and strain it.


As you now know, the Pomeranian is a very affectionate dog.

Nevertheless, you will probably have to go to work a few days a day – and therefore have to leave your little furry friend alone once in a while.

All the more important that you already have him teach at puppy agethat it there’s no drama if you’re away from him for a few hours a day are you.

This is part one consistent and species-appropriate upbringingwhich of course the pom also needs.

Because he very confident and also stubborn he should also learn very early on which of you two is in charge.

It makes sense here too Visit a puppy or dog school. Because the fluffy diva can definitely have problems with other four-legged friends.

The sooner she learns species-appropriate socialization, the better for her – and of course for all four-legged friends who have anything to do with her.

Fun Fact: Did you know that the Spitz is one of the Heard top 5 dog breeds that are particularly unpopular with dog trainers?

Health & Care

Now that you know a few important things about the appearance, origin and nature of the Pomeranian, we will now explain to you what the health and care of the little cotton ball on four paws is all about.

Grooming & General Grooming

The Pomeranian has fur, and lots of it. So that means: The Grooming this breed takes a little more time and attention.

We recommend you the Pom at least 2x a week to comb and brush properly. Here you can also comb against the grain, which hardly any four-legged friend likes.

Pomeranian care also includes that you Check and clean your eyes and ears regularly.

In this way you prevent bacteria, dirt and germs from settling here and causing inflammation.

One is also useful dental care routine. You can also prevent inflammation and tartar.


That’s the thing with the Pomeranian’s health.

The reason: Since it is a «special breed» in which extremes can occur, Unfortunately, this also has an impact on the common good.

Here we are talking about an overbreeding of the breed, which makes the breed a lot more sensitive than other dogs.

In addition, the Pomeranian is a so-called teacup dog, which is always affected by torture.

You should think twice about buying a Pomeranian.

Please keep in mind that the following diseases CAN, but DO NOT HAVE to, occur:

  • Misalignment of the kneecaps/patellar luxation
  • heart diseases
  • tracheal collapse
  • deafness

Due to the possible susceptibility, you can consider whether you for your pomeranian dog health insurance completes.

This usually covers a large part of the veterinary costs, including the annual routine check-ups and booster vaccinations.

Life expectancy

With a species-appropriate attitude and diet and of course a lot of love and affection, your little brat can an age of 12 to 16 years to reach.

That means: During this time you are also responsible for the little fur ball.

So before the Pomeranian is allowed to move in with you, you should be sure that you trust yourself with this responsibility. And with everything that this entails.

Is the Pomeranian right for me?

The Pomeranian is considered more perfect Familys-, society– and companion dog. If your employer or your university doesn’t mind, the little brat is happy to come with you to these places.

The Pomeranian suits you perfectly if you bring a lot of time for the golden fur nose and you would also like to occupy yourself with her for a large part of the day.

Because the pom doesn’t need a higher-than-average amount of movement, it is suitable for older people who may not be quite as fit on the way.

The Pomeranian also gets along well with children. Here, however, it is important to ensure that the little ones know from the start that the dog is not a toy.

And therefore does not like it when he is pushed into a corner or abused as a toy. In fact, it can happen that the little dog bites.

Fun facts about the Pomeranian

After all the useful information about keeping, care, health, character and appearance, you now get it some fun facts about the cute Pomeranian.

The Pomeranian is not only known by the nickname Pom but also by the nickname Pom Pom.

The Pomeranian is a dwarf – and yet descended from large sled dogs.

Many Pomeranians change their coat color as they get older.

A Pomeranian was there live when Michelangelo decorated the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel with frescoes.

In fact, the artist was a huge Pomeranian fan. And so his fur nose is said to have chilled on a silk pillow while he was working and watched him.

The Pomeranian Boo is a social media star. The little brat now has more than 600,000 followers on Instagram – a true petfluencer!

Pomeranians are real «celebrity dogs». And so the famous owners include Paris Hilton, Hillary Duff, the Hoff and Gwen Stefani. Who can still remember: A Pomeranian was also the star of the US sitcom the nanny.

Incidentally, Queen Victoria, who was a particularly big fan of this breed, justified the status as a dog of famous owners.

Two Pomeranians survived the sinking of the Titanic – and belonged to two of the celebrities of the time, Elizabeth Rothschild and Margaret Bechstein Hays. Both women refused to board the lifeboats without their pom poms.

Pomeranians are among the few animals that can give birth to twins.

Our fun facts can definitely be supplemented with some of your own stories.

We would be happy if you share them with us and all existing and future Pomeranian fans in the comments 😊