Podomancy: The art of foot reading

Podomancy is an art, which consists of reading the color, smell, texture of the skin, nail shapes, calluses and temperature on the soles and toes.

The deepest secrets of the soul are reflected in our feet. Its characteristics and conditions manifest experiences of past lives and provide the necessary information to improve the present.

To approach Podomancy you have to be willing to recognize your weak points, your strengths, your advances and setbacks in this life.

The feet are a map of the body where we find the most capricious formations and deformations that a human being can show about himself.

Just as the left side of the brain concentrates the emotions of the individual, the left foot reflects the emotional life and is related to the maternal.

Just as the right hemisphere of the brain stores the rational, the right foot concentrates the energetic impacts linked to events that frustrated our paths and we have not accepted. This foot is linked to the father figure.

In podomancy, beauty does not imply good luck, there are people with only one leg who usually have happier lives than The feet are a map of the body where we find the most capricious formations and deformations that a human being can show about himself.

History of podomancy

The art of foot reading has been known since Babylonian times, and was commonly used to establish the future of a newborn. Podiatry, with the Egyptians, was part of the refined culture of premonitory art. It is said that Cleopatra made extensive use of it. The Buddhists also recognized important symbols on the sole of the foot. In 1880, in China, the first adventurous European tourists found many individuals reading the feet of walkers along the streets of Shanghai1.

In ancient China, women with small feet represented the quintessence of beauty. To embody this idea of ​​beauty, girls’ feet were bound to stunt their growth.

In Europe, knowledge of this art is more recent. In France it is said that the «Sun King» chose his lovers based on the shape of the women’s feet.

how to read feet

Podomancy is performed from the top down and should be divided into 4 parts: the first represents the thoughts, the second the feelings, the third the obstacles and the fourth our goals.

To obtain the most accurate reading possible, you should go to an expert because it is not such an easy art to learn, however, you can discover some aspects yourself through very visible features.

skinny feet: It speaks of a person who uses his wisdom and intelligence to act in life.

Csquares: Those who have this form are usually dominant, but supportive, who try to improve their environment.

Wide feet in front and narrow in the back: They reflect people who have the potential to be famous or important.

Full wide: They are beings of great kindness who are always willing to help others.

Other aspects that reflect the personality characteristics of a person are the fingers. For example, if you have a longer big toe than others, you may be someone who lacks energy, while unusually long fingers reflect an ambitious and stubborn personality.


This foot is very interesting, since it has three options, correct it orthopedically, do nothing or, after treatment, let the arch collapse again, so if your case is the first, you will be able to overcome any type of obstacle, no matter how As difficult as the attacks of life are, you will be able to get out of them and you will triumph. If your case is the second, do not complain if everything you do fails, you do not care much what happens and you think that others have to do things for you. If your case is the third, you may need to consider doing some regression therapy to find out why, even if you want to, you cannot get out of difficult situations.

Tamale Pies

As you read it, they are chubby, they come out of the shoe, it is as if they had been put under pressure; they usually have more than three ingrown toenails on each foot. They are of a very short character, they leave others, they depend on the opinion of others, and they always make up stories before the events happen, they have a no in their mouths and excuses for everything, they throw themselves on the floor to be picked up and they tend to develop gallbladder disease, kidney and liver stones. They have a hard time taking the initiative in relationships, they put up with everything in order not to see their family destroyed, even infidelities.

egyptian feet

These are distinguished by the fact that the second toe (that is what the toes are called, toes), is larger than the others, it is as if it were the finger of ET, they are the rare ones in the family, who are called hippies , sorcerers, magicians, etc., are always interested in topics of the afterlife, angels, why we are here, where we go when we die, if there is a heaven or a hell.

And of course they start with these concerns at an early age, so parents act in different ways, they ignore them, they take them to a psychologist, or they give them their own. They are characterized by being humanitarian, sensitive, open, but be careful when they get angry, exploit and have a hard time forgiving.