Although Pluto today is not considered a planet, for astrologers there is no such statement, since for them it exerts its influence on us just like the other planets that make up the solar system. It was considered the last planet of the solar system, For this reason, when discovering it, it was given the same name as the mythological god of the underworld.since he lived in the underworld between lava and darkness.

Shortly after its discovery in the 20th century, events occurred that marked humanity such as Nazism, the nuclear bomb, the world wars. Later, psychoanalysis was born, the discovery that a neutron could be split in two to form an atom, the ability of matter to transform; among many other advances. For this reason, many astrologers consider that his name was well placed, because it is in tune with the influence it exerts, and once it is externalized, it is capable of giving light in the midst of darkness.

Being cataloged as the planet of the underworld, everything lies within us, ghosts, fears, frustrations, power and instability. However, Pluto helps us balance the scales, nothing is eternally good or eternally destructive.

On the other hand, when Pluto is retrograde, disorders, emotions, sensations, memories of experiences that marked us at some point are awakened. Take out from within us those details of our personality that on many occasions we did not know existed and that in other cases, we have hidden. Also, during this stage it is best to recognize and accept our primitive instincts and thus begin to understand our life from that point, reopening stories and facing ghosts from our past.

The planet in this phase is relentless with corruption and always during its passage, conflicts linked to that area come to light, being something so «guarded» and «intimate», during this period it will come to light like a ghost with the purpose of resolving this situation. Everything that can be overthrown or discovered will be a «victim» of Plutonian retrogradationbut what is solid, legal, complete and coherent will not suffer its consequences, even if it is direct or in its retrogradation phase.

By understanding all the influence that Pluto has on our lives, internalize how will bring out those harmful ghosts that we carry with us, and who in turn will act as a kind of vigilante for the world, taking charge of dynamiting everything that «is wrong»; We have no choice but to be prepared and act cautiously during its influence, in order to prevent our innermost frustrations from coming out in public, which can generate a kind of sabotage of our projects and personal or professional goals.

As long as we manage to find the light in the face of adversity, the process will be worth it and we will enjoy the end result that brings light and peace to our lives.