Pleiades spiritual meaning, biblical and in astrology

Pleiades spiritual meaning An interesting topic has arisen among the people who consult us daily on our social networks and it is related to the Pleiades. Some of those questions are: Does the Pleiades have biblical meaning? What does Pleiades mean in the Bible? Could you post about the pleiades and astrology? Does the Pleiades have spiritual meaning?

Next, we are going to clarify these questions about the Pleiades:


General features

In order to understand the spiritual, biblical and astrological meaning of the Pleiades, we must begin by clarifying that they are a relatively young star cluster, since the stars are only about 20 million years old.

In this cluster, we can find about 500-1000 stars with spectral characteristics, all of them located in the constellation of Taurus.

The Pleiades is composed of the following stars: Alcyone, Atlas, Electron, Maía, Mérope, Pleione and Celene. The brightest is halcyon which is located at a distance of about 440 light years from our planet. Its apparent magnitude is +2.85 and it is a star almost 1000 times more luminous than the Sun, being about 10 times larger.

It is important to note that the spiritual meaning of the Pleiades will depend a lot on the culture of each place and its legends. Let’s see next, the Pleiades spiritual meaning.


its symbolism

Pleiades spiritual meaning #1 Beauty In Pakistan, the Pleiades are known as «Parvin» and are a symbol of beauty, which is why Parvina was a popular name for women in Pakistan decades ago.

Pleiades spiritual meaning #2 Maternal instinct In Hinduism, a Hindu deity, known as Skandra, was suckled by six mothers of the Kritikas,. we know as the constellation of the Pleiades.

Pleiades spiritual meaning #3 Pain Many Native American storytellers recite a legend that the Pleiades were orphans who retired to heaven and. they became stars because the members of their tribe did not care for them or love them.

Pleiades spiritual meaning #4 Journey In Greek mythology, the Pleiades were seven sisters who were sought after for their beauty and grace. Zeus recognized him and transformed the sisters into doves, leading them to stand among the bright stars. Just like the sun and the moon guide you through the journey of self-discovery.

Pleiades spiritual meaning #5 Funerals and mourning For European peoples of the Bronze Age, such as the Celts (and probably much earlier), the Pleiades were associated with mourning and funerals.

This association existed since at that time in history, on the quarter crossing day between the autumnal equinox and the winter solstice, it was a festival dedicated to the memory of the dead, since the Pleiades rose in the eastern sky when the sunlight was fading in the afternoon. From this acronym output, the Pleiades became associated with tears and mourning.

Pleiades spiritual meaning #6 Guide or help In the Baltic languages, the name of this constellation is Sietynas in Lithuanian and Sietiņš in Latvian, which derives from sietas, meaning “sieve”. In Lithuanian folk songs, this constellation is often personified as a benevolent brother who helps orphaned girls get married or walks soldiers through the fields.

Pleiades spiritual meaning #7 Unit In Japanese culture, the Pleiades are known as «Subaru or unity and usually refer to seven stars. However, when the Subaru automobile company chose the name for its business, it decided to represent only. six stars in the company logo, supposedly because only six of the stars are visible to the naked eye.

Pleiades spiritual meaning #8 New beginnings The Pleiades is known as Matariki by the Maori of New Zealand, and its appearance in the sky marks the beginning of the Maori New Year.

Histories of this cluster in Maori culture vary somewhat between iwi (people/tribe) and whānau (family), but it is often described as the. crushed eyes of the blind god Tāwhirimātea (Māori god of wind and weather), and each of the stars has its own. personality and connection to Maori life.

Like many Pacific cultures, the Maori were masters at navigating the ocean by way of the stars, so the night sky continues to play a huge role in their culture.

Pleiades spiritual meaning #9 Sacrifice In Thailand, the Pleiades are called Dao Luk Kai or the “chick stars”. According to Thai folk history, a grandmother and a. Poor grandfather have raised a hen with six chicks, but when a monk visits them, they fear they will not have food to feed him. As a solution, they talk about killing the mother hen.

Hearing this conversation, the hen runs to her chicks to say goodbye and assure them that their. The sacrifice is worth it given the love that the elderly couple has shown them in the past. However, hearing their mother being cooked, the chicks run into the room and jump into the fire to join their mother (don’t try this at home!).

Impressed by his love and sacrifice for the elderly couple, a Guardian angel rewards the hen and her chicks by turning them into the heap of. stars we know today as the Pleiades. Interestingly, the Pleiades also resemble chickens in many ancient European languages ​​and cultures, probably because of their place in Norse mythology as chickens of Frejya. Let’s see, next, the Biblical meaning of the Pleiades.


In the Holy Scriptures

Pleiades biblical meaning #1 Amos 5:8-9 Amos interrupts his denunciation of the injustice that he began in the previous verse to speak of Yahweh. In doing so, he contrasts corrupt Israel with their perfect and powerful God, Yahweh.

Here Amos presents God as the one in absolute control of the entire universe. He told the people of Israel that Yahweh was the one who had made the Pleiades and Orion.

The term Pleiades translates the Hebrew word «Kimah», which means cluster of stars, or the «seven stars», which according to some translators refers to the Pleiades.

Since the Pleiades and Orion were seasonal markers in the. ancient world, Amos used them to tell Israel that Yahweh is the one who controls the times and the seasons of the year.

Pleiades biblical meaning #2 Job (1-13) Perhaps the most interesting part where the Pleiades is mentioned in the Bible is this one that refers to the question that. God formulated Job. Can you bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades, or untie the bonds of Orion?

Here we observe that Job was a man of recognized greatness, who would have studied these constellations, but could not answer God’s questions about them, nor did he understand the ordinances of heaven,. probably referring to the Laws of the Universe.

In that sense, he was strongly reminded that these ordinances are the work of a. Super-Intelligent Creator: Almighty God, the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth (time, seasons, etc.). He was the same one who addressed his servant Job his.

In both parts analyzed, it can be concluded that no one can stop the revolutions of. the seasons: when God ordains spring, the bright months come laughing; and when he again he calls winter, the snow and ice must rule the gloomy hour.

The farmer depends entirely on the God of heaven; he can plow hard, and lay. good seed with hope, but if the sweet influences of heaven are not given, it cannot reap the harvest. If the drought is long and severe, you cannot make the clouds soak the. thirsty grooves; or, if the rain pours down, drowning the grasses, it cannot seal the bottles of heaven. It depends absolutely on God, who governs all things according to his will.

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Other symbolism

pleiades astrology Of the seven stars that make up the Pleiades, the most significant is Alcion, which is strongly associated with factors such as love and reputation. Y. it is also strongly linked to the eyes and to blindness or to any type of accident that affects the face or the eyes.

As a complete star cluster, the Pleiades are known to take on aspects of the Moon and Mars and their associated energy, so the unease,. the turbulence, the excessive ambitions, the optimism and the success.

However, when it comes to Alcyone alone, she has the nature of Jupiter and is also. known for influencing the revealing of secrets and the unveiling of things that were hidden.

The Pleiades can often be seen as a negative aspect and their influence can. announce blindness or accidents on the face, especially at a time like an eclipse or when the Sun and Moon are strongly influenced.


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