Plants are the ideal element To attract positive energies at home, to decorate and obviously, to integrate nature into the halls of the house. On the other hand, the Feng Shui, As a philosophy, it allows you to attract positivity and create a good atmosphere that reigns in every corner.
Now, if you join the decorative and energy virtues with Faff Shui Philosophy You can have a unique result regarding the attraction of good energies that your home, especially money. So, why not decorate a very specific place at home and, additionally, attract the best of energies regarding the economy? Good, We bring you a selection of plants that will decorate the entry of your home and attract money and good fortune.
The Jade plant is not only beautiful, it also attracts good fortune.KLENOVA via getty images
Money plant
Of course, this plant should be in the list, since it is used by Feng Shui and for the interior designers. Its easy care allows you to have the entrance of the house since it is a type of succulent and, therefore, the sun is essential, in addition to supporting long periods without plenty of water and that helps to decorate the exterior of the door easily. Similarly, you can take it in its pendant version Or, in a pot.
Jasmine is also natural aromatizing.Elena Botta / Getty Images.
If you prefer that The entrance of your home has a much more floral touch And decorative that green plants, do not hesitate to place a pot With a jasmine flower It is the most feasible to keep out of the door since It requires a lot of sun and moderate irrigation; However, if you have a roof or, a little shadow, it is better than colors in that space.