Phrases to say to a person who is going through a period of mourning – Online Psychologists

Grief is the painful state we go through after a loss. We all go through this psychological process at some point in our lives. It is a moment that we have experienced or will experience sooner or later.

We always associate grief with death. However, the losses that a person can suffer are very diverseWe go through grief when we break up with our partner, move to another place, go through an illness, etc.

Mourning is a period that It is hard to overcome. There are moments in our lives when we feel like we are broken inside, We suffered a lotIt's normal, we are human beings and somehow we have to express what we feel.

However, we cannot remain anchored to that pain. If you see that a friend or family member is not overcoming their grief, help him. I'm sure you've been through a similar situation and your advice will make him feel better. The support of someone you love is the best medicine.

If you don't know what to say, you can always search phrases or texts from other people. People who have also suffered and who, through words, poetry or texts, have wanted to express their pain to help others. You can rely on them there to help others.

However, if you think that the person who is going through a period of mourning cannot get out of that hole, ask for help from a mental health professional.

Sometimes, to overcome grief, something more is needed. The support of your loved ones is not enough. If you feel that after a while the grief does not stop, you can always go to a online psychologist. It can help you overcome it and live fully again.

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Phrases that will help you overcome grief

We leave you some phrases that can be of great help to support that friend or family member when they are going through a period of mourning:

  • If you have broken up with your partner and you think you will never be happy, remember that your happiness depends on you.
  • Sometimes we need to let go in order to be at peace.
  • You have to learn to fly alone, you don't need anyone.
  • Life takes away opportunities from you, but it compensates you with others.
  • Sometimes we have to lose ourselves in order to find ourselves again.
  • No one leaves completely, our hearts are never forgotten.

“Do not ask a grieving person to be strong when they cannot be. Do not advise them not to cry, because tears are part of grief. Do not compare their loss with another, because each grief is unique and personal. Do not push them to contain their emotions, because that would add more burden. Accompanying them in pain does not mean giving them encouragement to take away their pain. Silence is often a respectful way of touching the soul of the one who is suffering.”

We can't always do everything, much less alone. If you need the aid Ask a friend or family member for help. No one can give you the push you need to get back on track better than someone who knows you. However, if you see that no matter how much time passes, your motivation doesn't return, ask a professional for help.

If you are struggling to regain your motivation, you should know that we at can help you. We have been experts in online therapy since 2012.

If you wish to contact a psychologist, you can request a free first session by clicking on the button below.