Phrases that you should not believe a committed man

If you have ever fallen for a committed man, batteries, they are experts at cajoling! You should never believe these phrases…

Many engaged men, married or with a girlfriend, they want to have the best of two worlds: the security of a stable relationship and the excitement of fleeting love; To do this, they have trained his tongue (don’t be rude) to sweeten the ears of innocent girls who want to fall in love, who would give everything for a man to show them a little attention.

These are the phrases you should not believe a committed man

“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen…”

Lie! I’m sure he tells everyone the same thing.

«I’ve never felt for anyone what I feel for you…»

Lie! If it were so, I would leave everything to be with you; if he doesn’t, it’s because what he feels isn’t that strong, he just wants you for ‘hum’!

«With my wife / girlfriend we are bad …»

Lie! It is very likely that it is not wrong with his partner, but that he is used to playing the victim with his lovers, to justify his infidelities.

«I’m with her only because of the children / custom…»

Lie! No one is with another person if he doesn’t want to. The truth is that he is with her because he wants to, and yes, he ALSO wants to be with you.

«I swear I’m done with her now…»

Lie! In most cases the man does not leave his wife (unless she gives him her divorce papers), even if he is in love with another, don’t flatter yourself!

“With you, everything would be different from how it is with her…”

Cart! The truth is that It is different as long as they are lovers, but if the relationship were to become formalized, they would go on to experience the same monotony and problems of all stable relationships.

«Love you…»

Lie! The poor man sure is confusing sexual attraction with love, don’t let yourself be confused too!

This is the only truth…

Ah, but if he doesn’t tell you any of this but conquers you in the traditional wayno excuses, run away! You could end up in an adulterous relationship without even realizing what time it happened, don’t play with fire you’ll burn!

also vibrates with: 16 reasons why they end you

Share these phrases on your social networks and help your friends not to fall into the clutches of these charming but committed men.

#vibraenlasmornings Couples who fight… Do they love each other more? Really? @EseTonito@MariaTBarreto @soydavidrc @maxmilfort

– Your heart Viiiiibra (@Vibra1049) June 28, 2017