Personality traits and how it affects your life

Those born with Mars in Gemini are intelligent and resourceful people who are rarely caught thinking from their hearts..

Not only are they good at absorbing information, but they also know how to apply everything they learn to their own advantage. With these guys, it’s not about who they know, but more about what they know.

Mars in Gemini in a nutshell

Style: Fast and curious.

superior qualities: Agile, adaptable and versatile mind.

weaknesses: Aggressive, cynical and irritable.

Advice: Stop to relax from time to time.

celebrities: Al Pacino, Jim Morrison, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Aretha Franklin.

Their ability to come up with great ideas in extreme situations will endear them to a group. It can be impressive to see them come up with clever strategies. This means that they are normally prepared for any type of situation. If they put their mind to it, they can be the most innovative people in the Zodiac.

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Personality traits

The native of Mars in Gemini will never meet people less intellectual than them. These guys want to be stimulated all the time. Nothing excites them more than a good debate.

But if you want to be friends or lovers for a long time, you need to have something in common with that person. Not to mention that they need people who are flexible around them because they are changeable.

Brainstorming is one of his favorite things. Those born with Mars in Gemini will never seek conflict and will avoid confrontation at any cost. Because they never act before they think, they can seem slow.

Tenacious, you will never catch them off guard. They are good at doing things with their hands. When it comes to pleasure, soft touches on the naked body are her thing. If they were given the perfect job, they would become writers. When someone complains about the most trivial things, they won’t even listen.

They are not very clear about their own feelings in general, these guys will not be able to clearly express what is going on in their head. If they kept a journal, they would have their thoughts more organized.

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The fact that they think very quickly is not always beneficial to them. You can easily recognize them because they are the fastest moving and alert to pick up any conversation. If they are hurt or challenged, they become very vocal and sarcastic.

It is important that they flirt and socialize or they will not be happy. These are people whose mind has to be always busy and active. As a mutable sign, Geminis are changeable. Mars influences them to live fast and act before everyone else has figured out what it’s all about.

It is impossible for them to have a routine because they hate boredom and need variety more than anything. Those who want to be close to them need to keep their pace fast.

Sometimes they abandon projects and start new ones. And it doesn’t bother them that they left things unfinished because they know they can always come back and take care of business.

Because they are so enthusiastic about variety, they may work on more than one project at a time. Any new idea will motivate them. They do not follow a safe and straight path, as their approach is more diverse and resourceful. It’s important to keep them interested or they’ll get bored and won’t hesitate to leave.

How are the natives of Mars in Gemini in love?

Imaginative, the natives of Mars in Gemini will never bore their partner. They are the most excited by the intelligentsia and people with great minds. Everything that is interesting will be experienced by them.

Because they want something new all the time, they can end up cheating. When it comes to sex, they see it as just another way to have fun. No matter how strange a new sexual technique seems, they will try it. Flirting, they will not spend much time with a single partner.

They need excitement for their relationships to last. Reading some erotic novels will help them get new ideas for their passionate nights. Dirty talk can also be to their liking and rough sex is something they will really enjoy.

You can make them unbutton their pants really fast if you stimulate their mind. Their kisses can impress anyone, and when teased, they can make anyone go crazy. It is impossible to take them to bed if you do not combine a little poetry with making love.

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Mars in Gemini if ​​you are a man

Sociable and friendly, the Mars in Gemini man is enthusiastic but not loud.. He will always look for someone with whom he can talk about anything. Because he is smart and funny, he will be known and respected by many.

A gentleman, this guy knows how to really treat a lady. As soon as you’ve committed, it is very unlikely that he will look for someone else. But the fact that it is double will make it a bit difficult to understand.

At first, it may appear that he is hiding information about himself. And it won’t be just an impression, because you can be very secretive about his thoughts and feelings. But as soon as he learns to trust someone, he will open up completely. And it’s exciting to see a man from Mars in Gemini being himself.

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Mars in Gemini if ​​you are a woman

A keen observer, the woman with Mars in Gemini will not miss a thing. She can be two-faced because Gemini is a dual sign. Whenever a person talks to her, she will be able to see if she is being honest because Mars helps her in this direction.

Sexy and mysterious, she will be the one to make the first move. Some men may find her intimidating, but as soon as she gets comfortable with a person, she becomes the sweetest person, especially in private. It is important that she knows that she is worthy of anyone’s loveno matter how dark you may think.

As she is open to changes, she will adapt to any type of partner. But this lady needs to be respected if she is to care about someone with all her heart. Her partner may see both sides of her personality.

difficulties to overcome

Those with Mars in Gemini can be a bit reserved, especially when you first meet them. They need a lot of attention and are prone to nervous breakdowns.

When it comes to love, they can be unfaithful because they are always looking for change and variety. Not to mention how much they like to flirt and be free.

If a partner makes them feel tied down, they will decide to separate faster than lightning. If provoked, they become these verbally aggressive people who don’t hesitate to say anything that might make their attacker feel really bad.

It is suggested that you do not mess with them, or they will do you a lot of damage. Because they have so much energy, Geminis from Mars They won’t stay still for a moment. They like to search, explore and engage.

They may take on more than one project at a time. With a good ability to create with their hands, they are great musicians or craftsmen. If they want to be successful, they need to focus more. They are not known for being organized or practical, more often than not they will be surrounded by chaos. A Virgo in your life would surely come in handy.