Pericón: What is and what are its benefits

1. Digestive disorders: the Pericon It has been used to relieve gastrointestinal problems such as colic, flatulence and stomach discomforts. Infusion with their leaves are prepared for this purpose.

2. Anti -inflammatory properties: it is believed that the Pericon It has anti -inflammatory properties, so it is sometimes used to relieve conditions such as arthritis or muscle pains.

3. Insect repellent: the strong and characteristic aroma of the pericon makes it useful as a natural repellent of insects, such as mosquitoes.

4. Sedative effects: some varieties of Pericon They have been used to induce relaxation and relieve insomnia. You can prepare tea with the leaves for this purpose.

5. Anxiety and stress: This plant has been used as a treatment for nerves, stress and anxiety due to its relaxing properties.

It is important to mention that, although the Pericon It has been used in traditional medicine, its effectiveness and safety may vary according to the species and the preparation used. If you are considering using the pericon for medicinal purposes, it is advisable to consult a health or herbalist professional to get adequate guidance and make sure it is safe.

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How pericon is used

He Pericon It is used in tea as a tonic, mainly to treat diarrhea, dysentery, empathy, vomiting, rheumatism, asthma, typhoid, varicose veins and cold. It is also used as antihelmintic, emenagogue and carminative. On the other hand, the smoke of the plant, when it comes to being burned, is used to scare away mosquitoes.

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What are the care of Pericón

Plant care Pericon They are relatively simple. So you can have this plant at home without any problem.

  • Location: he Pericon He prefers a place with full sun, at least 6 hours of direct light per day. Place it in an area where you receive adequate sunlight.
  • Floor: The soil must be well drained. Avoid too humid soils that can cause the rot of roots. You can improve soil quality by adding compost.
  • Irrigation: I water the Pericon Regularly, keeping the soil wet but not soaked. It allows the substrate to dry between irrigation. The pericon is tolerant of drought, so it is preferable not to exceed irrigation.
  • Pruning: Make light pruning to shape the plant and eliminate withered flowers. This will stimulate the production of new flowers.
  • Climate: If you live in a place with intense cold, you should know that your pericon is less likely to survive, but to protect it, you must cover your plant or have it in a pot.

Remember that exact care needs change according to the variety of pericon you have.

Although the Pericon It may seem to you a simple species, its cultural value is one of the largest within Mexican flora.