On a hot day there is nothing better than a cold beer: light, amber or dark. That drink as old as the appearance of bread in 10,000 BC, is ideal for cooling off and reducing any professional burden on your shoulders.
Beer can be made with any cereal or grain, which must be prepared to be fermented. For the preparation, it is necessary to activate some enzymes of the grain, reducing the starch chains and releasing the sugars. The product, also called green malt, is kiln and roasted to acquire light malts (lager or pale) or black malt.
The degree of roasting of the malt will determine the color of the beer and, sometimes, to achieve aromas. Consequently, a distinction will be made between: basic or clear malt, which are slightly baked but with great enzymatic power; specialty or black malts, which vary in color from amber to black, are highly baked with almost no enzymatic power; and mixed or caramel-colored malts, which are more toasted while retaining their enzymatic properties for their own sugars.
The quality of the beer will depend on both the quality of its grains and the malting process; however, there are some of these drinks that contain ingredients that are harmful to health. Among them are GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) corn syrup, GMO corn, fish bladder, propylene glycol, monosodium glutamate, colorants, insect-based dyes, carrageenan, bisphenol A, and more. According to the FAO, there are certain risk factors for genetically modified foods, such as:
Below we share 8 beers whose components are harmful to health:
The Newcastle Ale. This caramel-colored beer contains ammonia, which has been classified as a carcinogen. On the one hand, alcohol is carcinogenic in itself, but on the other, drinking it in moderate doses can reduce the chances of developing cancer. However, by adding other carcinogenic chemicals, the effect is the opposite: cause that disease.
Budweiser. One of the most popular beers contains genetically modified corn.
Crown. Made with genetically modified corn syrup and propylene glycol, which is considered harmful to health.
Miller Lite. All its ingredients are genetically modified.
Michelob Ultra: One of its main ingredients is a genetically modified sweetener.
Guinness. Extensive research has proven that the ingredients in this beer are harmful to health. It contains fish glue and liver, as well as a high fructose syrup which was banned many years ago.
Coors Light. This beer is famous among university students; however one of its ingredients is genetically modified corn syrup.
Pabst Blue Ribbon. Without further ado, this drink contains genetically modified corn syrup.
On the other hand, here are a few options that meet the quality and sanitation guidelines for beers: Wolaver’s, Lamar Street, Bison, Dogfish Head, Fish Brewery Company, Lakefront Brewery, Brooklyn, Pinkus, Samuel Smiths, Wychwood, Sierra Nevada, Duck Rabbit, Dogfish Head, Shipyard, Victory Brewery, North Coast – Blue Star, Bridgeport, Ayinger, Royal Oak, Fraziskaner, Weihenstephaner, Maisel’s, Hoegaarden, Heineken, Steamwhistle, Amstel Light, Duchy Original Ale Organic, Mill Street Brewery , Fuller’s Organic, Nelson Organic Ale, Natureland Organic.
Definitely these beers have been drunk for years in the world and none have proven to be dangerously toxic, however, it must be remembered that today’s products are not the same as five or ten years ago; more and more chemicals are used in the mixtures and more GMOs. Moderation, then, would be doubly important with the brands cited above.
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