Pergola: climbing plants to cover it

The pergola It is the element for your garden or terrace to finish being perfect, or good, thinking about it, it would need a detail to be the most beautiful space in your home: plants! If you are thinking about How to decorate your pergolayou arrived at the indicated place, because we will tell you what plants are perfect for your outdoor design.

There is nothing that plants cannot fix or, rather, highlight; They provide a very special touch to the areas where I placed and you pergola It will not be the exception.

Remember that climbing roses need seasonal fertilizer when the end of cold seasons arrive.DUSKFALL CREW / UNSPLASH

Trepadores Rosales

Rosales will give a very romantic touch to your pergolain addition to exclusive and cozy, so much that it will become your favorite space.

These plants need moisture although, of course, not in excess, and do not forget that in heat their irrigation should be abundant, at least four times a week.

Remember that climbing roses need fertilizer when the end of the cold season arrives, this will help the flowers continue to grow.

La Bungavilla is one of the most beautiful climbing plants due to its flowing so abundant.Morgane Le Breton / Unspash


The Bungavilla It is one of the most beautiful climbing plants due to its flowing so abundant and its colors, you can see species in pink, yellow, purple, red, white and many more.