«Pavilion» is a word that has evolved in architecturebecause it abandons its academic meaning and drinks from a connotation that leans to the experimental. The adaptive capacity of architecture is probably its greatest success when inserted within a context, because through it its needs are reflected, whether historical, structural, spatial, and even, of permanence. In other words, architecture is the mirror of society in all its areas.
So, The pavilion in architecture translates as a response of the need to experience and land the abstract in the world of architectural design. Today, design fairs, architecture, and even universities, bet on the implementation of the architectural pavilion, but what is really a pavilion? The following words will help clarify the uncertainty that flutters around this concept of architecture.
It is believed that the origin of the architectural pavilion comes from the light enclosures of the European gardens.Matt Seymour / Unspash.
What is a pavilion in architecture?
The simplest definition of a pavilion In architecture it looms A structure located in open spaces with two primary characteristics: it is light and ephemeral. The pavilion seeks to show its construction itself, since it is normally a structural experimentation, both of materials, constructive methods, or aesthetic and spatial perceptions, but it is also usually an exposure shell in which its interior is attractive.
Has theorized about the origin of the pavilion As we know it today. There are those who consider that it is an evolution of medieval stores, for their temporary condition, a structure that does not aspire to permanence nor physical transcendence, and because of its aesthetics, because the Latin etymology of the word comes from Papiliowhich means butterfly, and that relates to the colors and shapes that, both the modern and the historical pavilion, adopt. Others believe that their origin lies in the European gardens of the eighteenth century, or ancient Chinese architecture, where outdoor space and light and open structures could be the basis of the current architectural pavilion. In any case, The pavilion represents an evolution and adaptation of an architectural structurebut bathed in experimentation dyes.