Paula Andrea Betancur denounced that the national airline stole her

Through stories and visibly outraged, Paula Andrea Betancur denounced that a national airline stole her. OMG!

The beautiful former Colombian beauty queen, who in recent months was the subject of conversation due to rumors of an alleged separation that she would be facing with her husband, the renowned dermatologist Luis Miguel Zabaleta, in recent hours has become a trend again, but this time for a serious complaint he made through his networks about a lousy service he received: What happened?

Well, the paisa, who is not very active in her social networkss, decided to use his official Instagram account to recount through stories the robbery of which he had been a victim from a renowned national airlinewhich charged him an amount that did not correspond to what he received.

With great indignation, Paula Andrea Betancur denounced that the national airline stole her

Everything seems to indicate that the model would have purchased her tickets in the popular Avianca line with some specifications that of course generated a much higher cost than the others, since the seats she had chosen were large and much closer to the cabin. However, according to his videos, when he approached employees they told him that their positions had already been sold, so he had to fill others.

He says that being minutes away from boarding he had no other option but to take other seats different from the ones he had initially bought, but what caused him even more annoyance is that these seats were much cheaper than the ones he had bought and despite this the airline he had charged the same value.

He even showed the boarding passes of the purchase he had made online and the boarding pass that ended up being delivered to him, which corroborates his story.

In this regard, several users supported their complaint and commented that some had to go through similar situations in the past with the flights of said company.

And you, what do you think of what happened with the former queen? Tell us in the comments!