The Japanese Shiba Inu is undoubtedly a beautiful fur nose. Behind the optics, however, there is a character that is not always simple.
This sometimes makes raising a Shiba Inu not easy. It is not uncommon for mistakes to occur Problems in Shiba Inu training on.
The following guide will tell you how the upbringing of the Shiba Inu is guaranteed to succeed.
Is the Shiba Inu easy to train?
The Shiba Inu is not one of those dog breeds that are easy to train.
The Shiba Inu is therefore not suitable for newcomers to dogs. This also applies if the new dog owner has a strong will and a high level of self-confidence.
The strong will of the dog can also push even people with dog experience to their limits.
This is mainly due to the stubborn character of the Shiba Inu. We’ll tell you how you manage to train a Shiba Inu anyway.
What training methods work best for Shiba Inus?
The Shiba Inu works best in terms of training methods Consistency paired with a lot of assertiveness and the ability to lead.
The Shiba Inu may understand commands immediately. But he will not follow them immediately. This means that you have to repeat commands over and over again.
You can use treats that work as positive reinforcement. You also strengthen the bond with your Shiba Inu to a certain extent.
Good to know
Treats should only be used as a reward. As an attempt at bribery, they will not work. The Shiba Inu notices this immediately.
Red thread
A red thread must be recognizable for the Shiba Inu upbringing, which means nothing other than that it makes sense for the dog.
Orders and commands should be conveyed according to a specific scheme. Of course, the rules you set also apply to you.
Especially with a puppy you can use toys like balls. The pronounced play instinct then makes it easier to educate the Shiba Inu and to teach him the commands.
Assertiveness is just as important to raising a Shiba Inu as consistency and a common thread.
A lack of self-confidence will already cause you problems when you are a puppy.
It can get worse during puberty, when the upbringing is not yet complete.
The highly intelligent dog with leadership qualities notices every insecurity. And then treats and ball games don’t help much anymore.
What problems might arise when training a Shiba Inu?
Problems in the Shiba Inu upbringing can already occur in the puppy, in the form of behavioral problems such as hunting instinct and territorial behavior.
Let’s take a look at how these and other problems can manifest themselves.
hunting instinct
The Shiba Inu has a strong hunting instinct.
If it is not steered in the right direction during upbringing, it can always become a problem, with puppies as well as in puberty and in adulthood.
territorial behavior
Strong territorial behavior, which is typical of the Shiba Inu, can pose another problem.
It means nothing other than that the dog defends its territory – and of course that can be dangerous.
Timely training is also important here so that the behavior does not get out of hand later and becomes unpleasant for the dog, owner and other parties involved.
Distrust of strangers and dogs
It is dangerous when the Shiba Inu has the feeling that strange dogs and people are approaching his territory.
The breed is already very suspicious of them.
Another aspect to keep in mind when raising the Shiba Inu and one that you should get to grips with early on.
Otherwise aggressive behavior can quickly occur, and a Shiba Inu can then also attack.
High autonomy & independence
Shiba Inus are one of those dogs that don’t need to be kept busy all the time. You are independent and independent enough to be content on your own.
The two traits also mean that a Shiba Inu does not simply subordinate itself. This is reinforced by a very dominant character.
If this is not counteracted in time in puppies or in dogs during puberty, further problems arise in the later keeping of the Shiba Inu.
4 common mistakes owners make when training a Shiba Inu
One of the most common mistakes Shiba Inu owners make is a lack of patience and consistency.
But also underutilization and uncertainties and a lack of understanding of his personality are mistakes in Shiba Inu training.
Let’s look at how these mistakes affect Shiba Inu training.
Lack of patience
The Shiba Inu is not a dog that simply takes commands. He is also not particularly impressed when his owner pronounces a command once.
Many owners then quickly throw in the towel. After all, dogs are intelligent and should understand a command immediately, right?
So, to train a Shiba Inu properly, you should bring some patience and time to avoid this mistake.
insecurities in upbringing
Insecurities on the part of the owner when training the Shiba Inu are just as counterproductive as a lack of patience.
Is the owner unsure of himself and conveying commands and orders with confidence?
Then the Shiba Inu education is under a bad star. The dog immediately notices that his human has no self-confidence – and will shamelessly exploit the fact.
As a result, it is not the owner who is the leader of the pack, but rather the stubborn and strong-willed Shiba Inu.
Lack of utilization
Unfortunately, it is always the case that intelligent and independent dogs in particular are left too much to themselves.
The daily walk is done, the game unit has also been completed? Then the daily level of utilization is done. Or?
It’s not that easy. In fact, a Shiba Inu needs several hours of physical and mental exercise a day.
This is the only way to prevent problems and abnormalities in the fur nose.
No understanding of the character of the dog
There is no bad intention behind it. Only sometimes it can happen that the owner does not understand his Shiba Inu and his personality.
Above all, the high stubbornness and independence of the fur nose are things that are overlooked or misinterpreted – a mistake in training and attitude.
Do you have a Shiba Inu? What tricks do you know in Shiba Inu training? We’d love for you to share them with us in the comments!