Paico, what is it for? These are its main benefits

We don’t blame you if you don’t know the dude, what is it for?because this plant is one of the least recognized by people, but the truth is that it brings some important health benefits.

For some people in Mexico, it may be well known since it comes from the plant called epazote, widely used in the cuisine of that country to season some preparations. In Colombia, it is recognized as paico and has many uses, among which is the aromatic field as an herb to cleanse and even to consume as an infusion or other home remedies that would be able to help fight some diseases.

If you want to know, what are plants for?, or to know in depth the secrets of paico and how it could be important to take care of health, then this article will be of interest to you because it will tell you everything:

What is paico and what is it used for?

Its scientific name is: Chenopodium ambrosioides. The paico plant has aromatic, flavoring and medicinal properties, since within the general culture it is associated with home antiparasitic treatments, as well as being useful to combat various stomach problems such as colic. Also, there are those who use it to reduce the symptoms of colds, gastritis and even to clean wounds or eliminate inflammation of skin tissues.

What contraindications does paico have?

Its greatest contraindication is found for pregnant women, those who are lactating and in children up to 3 years of age. It is also not recommended to consume products derived from this plant in people with a history or liver, kidney or hearing diseases.

What is the paico with garlic for?

Paico is a medicinal plant that had been forgotten, but lately it has been rescued in the market places. There, it is offered especially because it would relieve certain digestive problems and combat constipation. In addition, it is widely used in the infusion made with garlic that could be a natural type of purgative for children and adults. To make this powerful concoction, you should take paico leaves and infuse them with water and a peeled clove of garlic for about 10 minutes before drinking it.

Properties of paico and what it is used for in tea

Grandmothers used paico leaves as a remedy that would be able to treat minor gastrointestinal conditions and mild symptoms such as diarrhea, stomach pain, indigestion and intestinal or menstrual cramps. Remember that if you have a lot of pain or have been in discomfort for many days, you should visit the doctor. To make paico tea, mix 3 leaves in 1 liter of freshly boiled water. Drink 1 cup 3 times a day.

Paico leaf, what is it for?

Through the leaves and branches, the best properties of this plant are obtained. Essential oils are usually extracted from the leaves based on the substance called ascaridol. This natural element is attributed antifungal benefits, muscle relaxants, to improve breathing when viruses such as the flu occur, and even creams and ointments could be obtained from them that would eliminate inflammation and infections.

Benefits of paico, what is the root for?

Very commonly, it is said that the roots of the paico would be good for making infusions that would have diuresis and kidney care as great properties. In some cases, it could be indicated to stimulate the elimination of toxins quickly.

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