Surely more than once you have noticed the ships with sails that sail through the sea. They are beautiful boats that take advantage of the push of the wind to be able to advance and discover new paths through the…
Surely more than once you have noticed the ships with sails that sail through the sea. They are beautiful boats that take advantage of the push of the wind to be able to advance and discover new paths through the…
The golden candles point to success, overcoming, the highest levels of the royalty, power and wealth. They are used in rituals to attract this type of energy, blocking in turn the opposite energies and the spirits malignant. The rituals with…
Thanks to aromatherapy, we know that certain scents produce therapeutic effects on our body, which is why scented candles become our allies to achieve a relaxing, romantic or joyful environment. What are scented candles? As a definition of aromatic candles…
Did you know that there are different types of candle wicks? If you are thinking of starting to make your own candles at home, you have to know the different types that exist and their characteristics because, in this way,…
The 7-color candles are used to reinforce other spellsDespite its objective major is to fulfill wishes through the rituals of 7 colors. Before starting with any of the following spells it is vital to ritualize the candles to eliminate energies…
[su_box title=»¡Consejo!» box_color=»#000000″ title_color=»#ffffff»]♥ TIP: If you are passionate the esoteric world of the meaning of candlesyou cannot miss this book 👈 where, among other things, you will learn to interpret the meaning of melted candles[/su_box] Along with each of…
Yellow symbolizes wealth and gold, which is why most rituals with yellow candles are done to attract money. Others also help to gain energy, vitality and health, although yellow candles are the queens par excellence. Most of the rituals with…
Did you know that there are different types of candles? Well yes: the truth is that there is a wide variety of candles that you can use in your day to day life and take advantage of all the benefits…
In black magic, black candles are a great source of evil power, as they accumulate too much energy and can easily get out of control. By directing that uncontrolled power towards our enemies we will cause great damage. Now, you…
Meaning: Peace Celestial blue is a color that bestows peace, is one of the colors that best evokes purity along with white. Hence, the sky blue color will seize us with peace to achieve a state free of prejudice in…