does he ring a bell chickpea hummus? Of course, it is a delight and you can prepare it in your own home and without complications. Look at the recipe. Although hummus (or humus) in Arabic simply means “chickpea”, for us…
Una mirada a Orange Calcite y su sistema parece brillar. Conectado al Chakra Sacro y siempre listo para encender un fuego, Orange Calcite se trata de limpiar el espacio que ocupas, por dentro y por fuera. Esta piedra vibrante tiene…
Do you know how to perform meditation with the angels effectively for your well-being? The expert in angels and archangels (and other similar beings), Carolina Samudio, explains it to you. Meditation is a mental training practice through which you can…
Esta guía enciclopédica épica se basa en más de 30 años de experiencia trabajando con cristales. Judy Hall siempre está ahí para dar consejos autorizados sobre la curación y el aprovechamiento del poder dentro de sus cristales. Esta colección está…
If you have always wondered, what does the color pink mean?we want to tell you that far from being a simple pastel shade, it can be relevant in various spiritual and health fields. When it comes to color theory, pink…
It is a fundamental part of our face, with them we define our look and expressions. Pay attention to this tutorial that shows you how to pluck your eyebrows with a blade. There are many different techniques for plucking your…
Los tonos brillantes de la mítica labradorita son fáciles de enamorar, al igual que las tribus inuit que la mencionan en sus grandes fábulas. Tal vez sea el brillo iridiscente lo que despierta el interés en esta piedra, o tal…
It doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to make chicken burritos Because with this recipe that we are going to teach you, you will seem like an expert on the subject. There is no doubt that one of those…