Dog constantly swallows and is restless

If dogs constantly swallow and are restless, it is usually due to signs of nausea or heartburn. In individual cases, dental problems, poisoning, inflammation, hypersalivation and a tumor can also be responsible. In such cases it is also noticeable that…

Dog feels weird after vaccination

If dogs behave strangely after vaccination, it is usually due to the associated immune reaction. Mild fever, nausea and listlessness are completely normal here. Swelling and loss of energy are also more common. As a rule, these side effects only…

Dog has diarrhea with mucus

If dogs suddenly have diarrhea with mucus, this could be a sign of colon inflammation or irritable bowel syndrome. Bacterial inflammation, poisoning or stomach and intestinal parasites may also be responsible. Small amounts of mucus in the stool are not…