Dog has lumps under the skin

When dogs suddenly have a lump under their skin, it is often a sac, an abscess or a lipoma. In some cases, it can also be caused by hives and various tumors, which should be treated immediately. For laypeople, these…

41 dogs with lots of fur

Dogs are available with short and long hair or even hairless. However, the following 41 breeds are known to have a particularly large amount of fur: #1 Chow Chow#2 Puli#3 Afghan Hound#4 Do Khyi#5 Pomeranian#6 Wolfspitz#7 American Cocker Spaniel#8 Tibetan…

Clucking in the dog's stomach

If a dog's stomach gurgles, it is usually due to hunger, flatulence or an upset stomach. Among other things, it can also be an indication of internal parasites, inflammation, poisoning, or even an intestinal obstruction. The grumbling is caused by…

35 small dogs that don't shed

Most first-time owners would like to have a small dog that doesn't shed, has no hunting instinct, hardly needs exercise and is very friendly and doesn't bark. This is considered “perfect”. But the reality looks different. Although a lot can…

39 dogs with long snouts

Dogs can have different types of snouts. However, the following 39 dog breeds have particularly long snouts: #1 Borzoi#2 Doberman Pinscher#3 Saluki#4 Bloodhound#5 Greyhound#6 Dachshund#7 Afghan Hound#8 German Shepherd#9 Whippet#10 Bedlington Terriers#11 Italian Greyhound#12 Pharaoh Hound #13 Podenco Ibicenco#14 Airedale…