Dog sits strangely to the side

When dogs sit strangely or even sideways, it is usually due to a young age. In adult dogs, this frog-like seat can also indicate hip problems, inflamed anal glands, arthritis or even back and knee problems. In the normal and…

26 dogs with short legs

Dogs come in a variety of sizes and shapes. The following breeds have particularly short legs and a long upper body: #1 Dachshund #2 English Bulldog #3 Dandie Dinmont Terrier #4 Welsh Corgi Cardigan #5 Pomeranian #6 French Bulldog #7…

Dog barks at every noise

According to the Civil Code, if dogs bark at every noise, a lawsuit can result in fines of up to €5,000. The problem? Barking not only serves as a warning, dogs also use it to communicate numerous feelings, needs or…

19 dogs that don't shed and bark

It is part of the nature of most dog breeds to both shed and bark. However, there is also some exceptions. This includes: #1 Basenji #2 Italian Greyhound #3 French Bulldog #4 Shih Tzu #5 Boston Terriers #6 Cavalier King…