Oxygenated water: how to use it for plants

It is no secret that the hydrogen peroxide It has a great healing power, in addition to great importance inside the home such as when we want something to be impeccable. However, these are not his only functions, in fact, he has a very special (and will save your life) if you are a plants lover, because in addition to healing our scrapes or wounds, he will also do it with your little ones, and not only that, it will help them grow healthy and strong.

It is a very easy home remedy to make and apply, but the best thing is that it is very effective and your plants will love it. He hydrogen peroxide It will become a great ally for your garden care.

Oxygenated peroxide will be ideal for successful care of your plants.ALP DURAN / UNSPLASH

Oxygenated water for your garden

Even if you don't believe it, the hydrogen peroxide It is very useful if you want your garden to stay safe and beautiful, and it is not harmful to your seedlings, in fact, they will thank you. He hydrogen peroxide o Hydrogen peroxide helps the roots to absorb soil nutrients, thanks to the additional oxygen molecule it provides, which produces a much healthier and more healthy development. Also, this reaction supports to create a barrier against bacteria and fungi that can damage your plants, so it also does a great work as a pesticide.

Oxygenated hydrogen has numerous benefits for your plants.Thirdman / Pexels

Hydrogen hydrogen and its security of using it in plants

Completely! Do not think twice, you will see the results in a very short time. What is important that you take into account is that you should be very careful when using the hydrogen peroxide For your plants, since if you pour more from the account you could damage them. So the best thing is that you respect the amounts and the mode of employment.


According to pharmaceutical recommendations, you can only use the hydrogen peroxide to 3 percent, since a great concentration could cause burns or discoloration. So the correct preparation is that you add a teaspoon for each cup of natural water in a bottle of atomizer. Subsequently you must spray the mixture on your plant according to your needs, also, this solution will work perfectly in seedlings, plants with rot or with fungal infections.

You can also water the floor of your plants or garden with the mixture, this will help strengthen the roots, it is a great fertilizer and, without a doubt, a successful pesticide.