Owl esoteric meaning and what it means to see an owl in your house

Owl esoteric meaning Birds are animals full of symbolism in almost all cultures. These winged creatures lift us into the sky and carry our supplications to the highest. They return with spiritual messages from the divine to help us through our difficult times.

However, there is one bird that stands out from the rest, the night owl. Its characteristics are so unique from other birds that we are naturally curious about the symbolism of the owl. It makes us want to ask questions like, what does an owl symbolize esoterically, spiritually and even biblically?

Let’s see below, the answers to these questions and start with the owl esoteric meaning.


Owl esoteric and spiritual meaning

An owl is to the night as an eagle is to the day. Owls are generally a symbol of paranormal wisdom, royal silence, and fierce intelligence. This is because owls are great thinkers and hunters; they prefer to plan their strategies instead of using brute force.

While some cultures believe that owls are wizards or heralds of death, the white owl symbolizes wisdom and endurance. Mixed zymology makes us even more curious. To understand the depth of its meaning, we need to learn a little more about its background.

Owl symbolism and Celtic lore describe it as a warrior and keeper of honor. According to the Celtics, it is the wisdom of the owl warrior that gave him the right to the knowledge of the path of the underworld. They also believed that he represented a fierce defender of honor and truth meaning that owls have zero tolerance for any form of deception.

Since owls are nocturnal, meaning they can see in the dark, they are the perfect messenger to deliver messages throughout the day and night between our world and the higher one. Perhaps that is why the Celtics believed that owls knew the way to the underworld.

Owls are also a symbol of the ancient Celtic goddess of fertility. That is why the Celtics proudly branded the owl symbol on their clothing, especially their knots and various household items.

Chinese culture and folklore highly respect the wild side of the spirit animal owl. You can find stunning pieces of ancient Chinese art depicting the immortality of the phoenix intertwined with the legendary fierceness of the owl. Chinese culture also speaks of the owl in the protection of birds, acting as a shield against all negative energies.

There are also popular references to owl mythology in civilization throughout time such as Hindu and Roman. While most of them speak of its negative aspect, they also recognize the owl’s transitory wisdom and meaning.

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owl biblical meaning

There are several references to the owl in the Bible, which we present below:

Leviticus 11:13-18, more specifically 11:16-18 or 11:17-18states that Jews must not eat certain breeds of owls, as part of their kosher dietary rule, along with pelicans and scavenging vultures.

Deuteronomy 14:15-17 confirms the declaration of the kosher rule.

In Psalm 102:6, the psalmist speaks of the difficult moments of his life comparing himself to an owl in the desert. He used the owl reference as an example of himself as a lesser creature trapped in a desolate place.

Isaiah 13:21 speaks of a prophecy about God’s judgment on Babylon to destroy her. Here the owl is again used as an example to demonstrate the devastation that the humans of Babylon will face. They will be killed or driven from their homes, and wild animals will live in the city.

In Isaiah 34:11Very similar to the Babylonian prophecy, God’s judgment on Edom refers to the owls in the city’s destruction. The owl does not symbolize anything. Instead, the references use the owl as an example of wild animals that inhabit the city along with ravens, pelicans, and porcupines.

What it means to see an owl in your house and other omens

If you come across a screeching owl on the road, it may be a sign that you are receiving terrible news, for example, that someone close to you may have a serious health problem or be near the last days of their life, and you may get the news beforehand. This omen is stronger if you see an owl in your house.

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Although bad news can also mean deception around you, for which you must prepare by re-evaluating everyone around you.

Still, if it’s not a bad omen, it sure is a warning sign. It is very possible that in your care you will come across some information that may be useful to you in the future.


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