Ovomancy or how to read an egg in water (reading and interpretation) read

Ovomancy Recently we have been asked a series of questions related to ovomancy such as the following: How to read an egg in water? What is the egg reading or egg reading? Could you post about reading and interpreting egg? Is the interpretation of the egg effective?

Taking all these questions into account, we will explain them below:


General features

The egg has always been considered as a symbol of fertility, pregnancy and birth. Due to this conception, it is not uncommon that it has been used since ancient times for reading luck, which is called ovomancy.

Many historians attribute the invention of ovomancy to Orpheus, a Greek poet and musician. It is known that in ancient Greece it was very popular in the oracles and the wise men learned to read the future in both the internal and external shell of the egg.

A widely used technique was to use the egg to obtain information about a child who is still in the her mother’s womb. The diviner would rub a raw chicken egg on the belly of a pregnant woman for a few minutes, then break it into a saucer. A single yolk indicated the birth of a single child; a double yolk meant the birth of twins; a triple yolk meant the birth of triplets.

According to occult tradition, if the egg yolk is stained with blood, it is a bad omen, indicating miscarriage or serious complications during childbirth.

Currently, different techniques of ovomancy or reading of the egg are used to determine the future. Next we will explain how to read an egg in water.


Different techniques

Ovomancy or how to read an egg in water Technique #1 Interpretation of figures that forms the egg in the water This method of how to read the egg in water on december 31 It is widely used in some Latin American countries, especially at midnight on that day in order to determine what the next year will be like. However, it can also be used at any time that the person deems convenient or necessary.

This technique consists of filling a tall transparent glass with water. Then with a pin, a hole should be made at the end of the egg. The egg is then held above the water until the white begins to trickle down into the glass. It is, at that moment, when the person formulates a question or query that he has about some aspect of her life.

Then you can see how the clear spreads and creates shapes and figures that float in the water, but atBefore starting the question is: How to choose an egg?

To practice ovomancy, you must choose eggs with the following characteristics:

  • The eggs you use should preferably be free range eggs. They should not be more than 3 days old, nor should they be in the refrigerator, because the cold makes both the white and the yolk heavier, which can affect the reading and interpretation.
  • Some ovomancy experts say that only free-range eggs can be used, not white eggs.
  • Now that we’ve chosen the right egg, it’s time to learn how to use it to predict the future.

Below we offer some interpretations of these figures that, together with the question, allow us to determine the future.

Anchor Announces that the loved one will make the decision to unite his destiny to ours through some type of union that «anchors» him to our side and a good opportunity for job advancement.

Bow Indicates some differences with co-workers and ups and downs in affective life.

Boat It represents an unexpected trip that will bring great benefits.

Bubble Many bubbles indicate business success; Few announce a cycle in which money will be scarce due to lack of foresight.

Circle If it is complete, it announces good news, especially in matters of the heart. If it is broken, it is a sign of betrayal, change and insecurity.

Cup It announces unexpected gains, in love it suggests patience and maturity to face marital problems.

Crown It means that there will be a wedding in the family and that the marriage will be stable and lasting.

Star Four-pointed warns of conflicts with loved ones and the need to open communication channels. From five, it marks a new stage in life.

Flower It portends success, joy, unexpected changes and journeys that will bring positive things into your life.

Horseshoe It is a sign of good luck, especially in finances, it also announces the arrival of a new love.

Moon Indicates a happy and lasting marriage. If it is broken, it means that it will be the object of envy and gossip.

Hand A friend will support you at just the right time. If it is not well defined, it warns of danger, envy and sadness.

Eye It represents misunderstandings in the work environment that will be solved if you maintain a positive attitude.

Foot New doors will open and you will have the opportunity to move forward at your own pace.

Snake If the figure is broken or poorly defined, it will have problems in intimacy due to its complexes. Otherwise, your erotic creativity will be at its maximum.

Clover It is one of the luckiest symbols that can be presented, as it represents happiness and harmony in all aspects of life.

In addition to the technique described above, there is the variable in which the white or the whole egg can be poured into half a glass of water and placed under the bed. At noon the next day, it is observed which figure has been created.


Ovomancy or how to read an egg in water Technique #2 Astral cleansing and interpretation Another technique consists of astral cleaning and, for this, a white egg is passed through the person’s body every day at the same time. After a week, it has absorbed the bad energies (that’s why pressing it feels heavy), it breaks on a container and its appearance can be observed, in many cases, the yolk is dark. If necessary, this process is repeated until it is clear.

Then, it is left to rest for a day and it is observed what figure it acquires (use the meanings exposed above) for its interpretation.


Ovomancy or how to read an egg in water Technique #3 The egg with colors A third method of egg-reading ovomancy consists of boiling seven eggs in the usual way, until they are well cooked. After cooling, each egg is marked with an ink that corresponds to one of the following colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. Leave the seventh egg white.

Once the ink has dried, the eggs are placed in a container and a question is asked. He then closes his eyes and randomly selects an egg. The future can be read according to the following interpretations.

also know egg with two yolks spiritual and esoteric meaning (luck)

Have you just cracked open an egg and found that it has two yolks? So, you wonder what does an egg with two yolks mean? In the (…)

Red. Things are moving; be careful.

Orange. Big changes are coming, be they positive or negative.

Yellow. It will be necessary to reflect; don’t trust emotions.

Green. You will enter a new creative period; it is a positive sign.

Blue: A period of great calm, but which, after it has passed, can herald big problems.

Purple: Problems that arise around you; beware of a hater who pretends to be a good friend or friend.

White: No serious problems at the moment. It is important to take advantage of this period to carry out your projects.

When you have selected the egg, break the shell and peel it. If you have difficulty opening the egg to get to the center that means there will be a struggle, if you find that things are coming quickly and you reach the center this is interpreted as things moving smoothly.

The center of the matter is the egg yolk itself, which must be a ball. If it is impeccable everything is fine and it will end well, if it is broken, rough or dented, it is usually interpreted as a warning.


Ovomancy or how to read an egg in water Technique #4 Reading the egg and its shell

What you will need:

A bowl or cup

Fill the bowl with water and pass it through your body with the egg. At this time you can think a lot about the question you have. Let the egg absorb your energy, let the egg become you.

Crack the egg into the bowl and carefully drop it into the water. Set the shell aside.

From here, try to interpret the patterns (with the meanings described above) that you see when the white of the egg rises to the surface and forms shapes. Write it down. The difference with the other technique is to also read the shell of the egg.

If the egg shell breaks in several places and also makes various patterns and omens, you can use it as a divination tool.

In general, the top half of the egg represents the positive things that will help you in your life. The lower half of the egg usually represents the negative things that could get in the way of your life.


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