Orionids meteor shower October 2021: how and when to see its maximum splendor

The end of the year is slowly approaching and with it, the most important astronomical events. October greeted us with a shower of stars and then lit up the sky with a Blood Moon. But it is not all that October has in store for us, it still has a visual spectacle to delight us with its impressive view, the Orionids meteor shower 2021. The reminiscences of Halley’s comet will pass through the atmosphere to give us dozens of flashing stars crossing the firmament. Like all meteor showers, it will have a period of maximum activity where you can see the greatest meteor activity, we tell you how and when to see it.

Orionids Meteor Shower 2021

If you think about it a bit, the sky is one of nature’s greatest mysteries. By day, he gives us the most exceptional postcards, from sunrises, sunsets, to the iridescent play of light and clouds. But at night it is transformed into a sparkling vault, with thousands of stars that contrast with their flickering lights the blackness of the background. But there are specific times of the year when the visual spectacle is transformed into something beyond the everyday, bordering on the sublime. One of those astronomical phenomena is meteor showers, which are technically called meteor showers.

Petr Horálek

October stands out for giving us two meteor showers annually, one of them called Draconids that manifest at the beginning of the month. And the other, which occurs at the end of October, the so-called Orionids. The Orionids are the consequence of the reminiscences of cosmic dust that Halley’s comet leaves behind. This comet is one of the most famous among lovers of the Universe, which is why the Orionids become relevant among cosmic observers. Although they are a shower of stars of moderate activity, they are distinguished by flashing in gushes from the constellation Orion.

Its zenithal hourly rate, that is, the number of meteors that can be observed under optimal conditions, is 23 meteors per hour. However, this year the conjunction of the most active days of the Orionids with the Blood Moon could make it a bit difficult to observe since the Moon will be at its maximum illumination.

What day is the Orionids Meteor Shower 2021?

The cosmic dust that Halley left behind, whose manifestation is the Orionids meteor shower, runs annually from October 2 to November 7. Although between this period of time there is a day when the activity of the meteors increases and reaches its climax. This 2021, the highest point of the Orionids will be between the night of October 21 and the early morning of October 22.

And despite the fact that the Moon will be in its most illuminated phase, those larger meteors can be observed crossing the sky. For this, it is necessary to find the optimal conditions to enjoy the visual spectacle.

Petr Horálek

How to see the Orionids meteor shower

The recommendations for observing the Orionids of October 2021 are the same as with the other meteor showers. Find a site away from all light pollution it is crucial to enjoy the cosmic event. It is best to look for places away from big cities where there are too many artificial light obstacles. In addition, it is also recommended stop using screens at least half an hour before seeing the Orionids. This way your eyes will get used to the dark and it will be easier for them to detect night flashes. Just relax your mind, lie with your face towards the sky and reconnect with the nature of the firmament.

Follow closely all the bewitching events that Comos has in store for us this year in our 2021 astronomical calendar and don’t miss the opportunity to reconnect with the cosmos.

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