Talk about An architecture operating diagram does not have to be intimidating No confusing. Actually, it is a quite easy to understand and used design resource for all architects so that their works are functional in addition to aesthetics. The creative process in architecture entails many stages, from finding a concept, creating an architectural program, to decide the materials and colors, and each phase is indispensable.
So that the Operating Diagram in Architecturethere must first be a series of previous steps. The same diagram, in turn, helps relate the project spaces. That's why it's so important Know what it is and how to make an architecture operating diagram.
Relationship diagrams are the basis for operating.Thirdman / Pexels.
What is a relationship diagram and what is it for?
Before reviewing the meaning of a Operating Diagram in Architectureit is important to establish what a relationship diagram is. To make a relationship diagram, the list of the architectural program is first needed, that is, the spaces that meet the user's needs. Of course, the list varies according to each project.
So, The relationship diagram will mark the necessary connections between all spaces and is divided by its kind and hierarchy. The type connections are those that cover the senses: the physical, the visuals, the olfactants and the auditory. For their part, hierarchy connections are the most important, since they establish the degree of need between the relationships of the spaces and their division is to the criteria of each designer, although in broad strokes they are: indispensable, strong, weak and optional. Once the relationship diagram is ready, the next step is the operating diagram.
The operating diagram establishes the relationships and through what type will be done.Karolina recordowska / Pexels.
What is an architecture operating diagram?
An architecture operating diagram is a conceptual scheme that lands the relationships between spaces. It is important that operating and relationship diagrams are not confused; The first is a result and deepens from the second, but they are not the same. The relationship diagram is a reflection on the necessary connection between spaces, whether physical, visual, olfactory or auditory, as well as its degree; The operating diagram indicates how these spaces go to relations. To achieve this, the diagram in question divides the hierarchical connections into three types, which are direct, indirect and null. The direct connection is simple, spaces that relate to each other without intermediaries through doors or vain; The indirect connection is one that connects two spaces through a third party; And the null, is the absence of contiguity.
At this point, Designers and architects take paper and colors to diagram, once again, spatial relationships. When talking about indirect connections, reference is also made to a circulation scheme, since the halls, lobby and stairs, among others, are spaces themselves. A couple of examples of indirect connections are between the living room and the kitchen, since it is the dining room that connects them, or between the bedroom and the room through a corridor. Now, here it is also established whether there will be windows, lattices, vain with dwellings or any architectural element that maintains visual, olfactory and auditory connections. Finally, it is essential to clarify that the Operating Diagram in Architecture It is not a zoning scheme because the diagram is conceptual and does not follow any formal structure, type and area of the terrain, sunning, orientations, among other conditions.
How is an operating diagram made?
With paper, colors, an architectural program and a relationship diagram is ready to start drawing a Operating Diagram in Architecture. It is always necessary to remember that this diagram is total and completely conceptual, in addition, its execution is similar to mental maps.
The first step is to have a code, like everything in architecture. Symbology must be clear to each other to avoid confusion; A circle to limit each space, lines to indicate relationship, arrows in a specific color to indicate visual, olfactory and auditory relationships, dotted lines for optional relationships that, later, can be eliminated at the time of zoning, accesses, pedestrian and vehicle flows, visual or olfactory barriers intentionally with vegetation, etc.
With the code ready, it is only necessary Play each space on paper and go by connecting them according to symbology and the previous relationship diagram; It is here that halls or corridors are added to properly distribute the spaces, secondary relations are also added, for example, visual between bedroom and patio, and above all, mark the pattern of private, public and service spaces for now yes, to be able to zonify.