Online psychologist to overcome the phobia of men – Online Psychologists

When we talk about a phobia we refer to a intense and irrational fear which significantly hinders the life of the person who suffers from it. There are many phobias. Some are extremely common, such as aerophobia or fear of flying. Others, such as phobia of menare much less common, although no less limiting.

In psychology, phobias are usually included within the anxiety disorders. After all, when the victim of a phobia is confronted with the object of his fear, he experiences the symptoms of anxiety. The heart rate increases, tremors and shortness of breath appear, as does panic and an uncontrollable desire to flee.

Sometimes, people with a phobia can live relatively calmly, without worrying about encountering the thing they fear. For example, if you have a phobia of snakes and you live in a big city like Madrid, it is unlikely that you will encounter one unexpectedly.

However, there are other phobias that They hinder the lives of those who suffer from them day after day. This is the case of women who suffer from a phobia of men and who, despite their fear, cannot avoid living in a world where approximately half of the population belongs to the male gender.

Phobia of men: Is it the same as misandry?

The phobia of men should not be confused with misandry, because they are not the same thing. And although Misandry also involves rejection of the male gender, in which case it is a voluntary aversion.

For its part, Fear of men, or androphobia, is a psychological disorder which can be diagnosed and treated with the appropriate help.

What are its causes?

The phobia of men It usually responds to some type of traumatic experience. After all, those who experience this fear believe that the male gender may pose a threat to their life.

This often happens when a member of the male gender has represented a danger for herself or someone close to her. For example, some of the victims of this phobia have developed it after growing up in an environment where their father was violent, either against their mother or against themselves.

As the brain tends to generalize to make it easier for us to understand the world around us, from this unpleasant experience the mind identifies men with danger. And that is where the phobia is triggered, whose consequences most common causes are:

  • Being a victim of abuseor witnessing abuse by a man towards another woman.
  • Being a victim of a sexual abuse perpetrated by a man.
  • Perceiving that one's own life is in danger because of a man.
  • To live or to have lived Unpleasant experiences related to male figuressuch as having lived with a drug-addicted parent or boyfriend.
  • Growing up under the protection of a paternal figure who, far from being seen as a source of security and protection, has been perceived as a danger. That is, that the attachment to the father is insecure.

If fear of men is an obstacle to the normal development of your life, perhaps it is time to put yourself in the hands of an online psychologist.

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Overcome your irrational fear of men and enjoy your daily life again without fear with the professional help of a psychologist.

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Is there a treatment?

Like any other phobia, the phobia of men can be overcome by going to psychological therapyExposure therapy, which can be done in vivo, through imagination, or through virtual reality, is often very useful in treating phobias.

The exposure It is a treatment that consists of gradually exposing the patient to what he or she fears, with the aim of breaking avoidance patterns.

Besides, Having the help of an online psychologist will help you:

  • Discover the origin of your fear of men.
  • Express and understand the why and how of your phobia.
  • Avoid the guilt that people who suffer from a phobia often experience, as they know that their fear is completely irrational.
  • Learn, through the tools learned in therapy, to manage and overcome fear.

Online psychologist to overcome the phobia of men

Going to an online psychologist is as effective as going to traditional therapy. And it also has the following advantages:

  • There are no linguistic or geographical boundaries. This way, you won't need to go to a psychologist in your city. You don't have to settle for the nearest psychologist. With online therapy, you can choose the professional that best suits you.
  • Save timeYou will avoid any unnecessary travel because you will do the therapy from wherever you want. Any place that allows you to be comfortable and where you feel safe. This is an advantage because in big cities going from one place to another is a huge waste of time.
  • Comfort. Not having to leave your home will make you feel more comfortable. After all, you are in your comfort zone. Plus, this will help you get the most out of the session.
  • Same effectiveness as going to traditional therapyThere are no differences between in-person psychological therapy and online therapy. The most important thing for online therapy to be effective is that it is carried out under the right conditions and with a professional specialised in mental health.

At we have been helping patients from all over the world find their well-being since 2012. We were pioneers in offering online therapy and that is why we know that it is an economical, but equally effective, alternative to traditional therapies.

To date, more than 1,600 people have turned to us to find an online psychologist. If you also want to try our services, you can request a consultation First session free by clicking the button below.