Online psychologist to overcome pride – Online Psychologists

If there is one key that opens all doors, it is kindness. A smile, a thank you, or a show of genuine concern is enough to brighten someone's day. If the first thing we did when we woke up was to make a conscious, deliberate decision to be kinder, the world would be a better place. And yet, some people seem to enjoy kindness. pride.

What is pride?

Pride is the feeling of superiority that some people feel over others.

Arrogant people are very self-assured and have no qualms about belittling others. This is a very unpleasant personality trait, as people with these characteristics They treat others in a distant and haughty manner.

Is it the same as pride?

Pride and arrogance are similar feelings, although not the same.

Although pride can be understood as an excess of self-love, capable of leading to a feeling of superiority towards others, this is not always the case. Pride, within healthy limits, is a very positive feeling. that allows us to highlight our skills and achievements.

Pride, on the other hand, has no positive meaning. In fact, we could say that Pride is the excess of pride: a negative feeling that poisons our feelings and blinds us to the point of making us lose perspective of our own defects.

Characteristics of an arrogant person

Behind his mask of superiority, an arrogant person hides a lot of insecurities that he doesn't want people to see.

In fact, pride often involves a contradiction: although the person truly believes himself worthy of praise, he is very aware of his defects and spends great amounts of effort hiding them. Curiously, these people They often fear that others will despise they do.

  • Your self-esteem is unstable

First of all, it goes without saying that unstable self-esteem does not necessarily mean low self-esteem. In fact, there is both high and unstable self-esteem and low and unstable self-esteem.

People with unstable self-esteem are those who They let the opinions of others influence their perception of themselves.

If arrogant people try so hard to hide their flaws, it is precisely to avoid the negative impact of other people's opinions on them. These are people who need external approval to feel good, which is why they tend to say what people want to hear, even if they don't mean it.

Their self-image is so high that they rarely admit their mistakes.

Even when they are aware that they have done something wrong, arrogant people They try to pass the buckIf they can blame someone else, they will. Anything rather than allow others to see them as normal people, on their own level.

It is about intolerant people towards the beliefs of others. They have formed a very rigid image of the world around them and do not allow anyone to question it. This is why they tend to undervalue the opinions of others and are reluctant to debate.

  • They don't care about hurting others

An arrogant person will do anything to defend themselves from attacks. In fact, they often will think that even the slightest disagreement is an attack and will defend himself without thinking about the feelings of others.

His feeling of superiority makes him feel that he does not have to worry about others.

This characteristic is linked to the need for approval. To feel valued, they need people to be aware of their achievements at all times and that is why They don't allow the focus of the conversation to stray from them.

  • They have social skills

Oddly enough, arrogant people don't always come across as unpleasant. In fact, They usually have an easy time making friends and you will often see them surrounded by people.

They know what to say to please others, even if they don't genuinely care about them.

Do you recognize any of these characteristics in yourself? Learn to overcome pride with the help of an online psychologist.

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Overcome pride and take care of your mental health with the professional help of a psychologist.

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How to overcome pride?

If you consider yourself an arrogant person and want to change, you should know that you have already taken the most difficult step. Admitting that you have defects and be willing to change It is, in itself, an antidote to pride.

The next step is to pay attention to what is happening around you and within you. Analyze how you react to your achievements and failures and control your emotional response. Only by being aware of your behavior can you change it.

Some Tips that can help you overcome pride are:

  • Analyze yourself to be aware of your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Work on your self-esteem so that it does not depend on what others think of you.
  • Practicing self-acceptance and assume that you are a fallible person.
  • Changing your perspective on mistakes and see them as an opportunity to learn and become a better person.
  • Practice active listening. Take an interest in what others say and try to understand their point of view.
  • Take an interest in things that happen to other people.
  • Practice empathy. Before you say or do something that might affect another person, ask yourself how it might make them feel.

If none of this works, you can always put yourself in the hands of a psychologist. Keep in mind that change is not usually a simple process, even less so when what you want to change is one of the bases of personality. However, learning is easier if you have the help from a psychologist that guides you through the process.

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