Online psychologist to overcome anxiety about eating – Online Psychologists

The anxiety It is something characteristic of our daily life due to the level of stress we are subjected to in our lives. It is an emotional state that is characterized by manifesting itself through feelings of fear, tension or suffering in the face of danger. In this context, it is advisable to ask for help and rely on an online psychologist for anxiety. And the fact is that living with anxiety can cause it to lead to bad eating habits. That is, it can cause anxiety about eating.

When this happens, there are times when we are not aware that we are eating with anxiety. This can also be called emotional hunger. It is an increasingly common disorder in society. It is essential to learn to control anxiety in order to avoid this type of behavior.

Anxiety about eating is generally related to intrusive thoughts about eating all the time and not knowing why. You may even find it almost impossible to control yourself even when you know that what you are doing is not right. When we are anxious and we eat compulsively, we usually do so without appetite.

Why does it happen?

When we talk about anxiety about eating we refer to the state in which a subject eats without having hunger or appetite.

It is characterized because the person who suffers from it constantly feels a great uncontrolled need by eating food. The person eats to satiate or satisfy something that is disturbing him. However, that something is not solved when he eats. That is, the person eat to satisfy emotional needs or deficiencies, It's not a physical thing.

The person eats because he believes that it makes him feel good. In a way it is like that since he can satisfy their short-term needsIn addition, the act of eating releases a large amount of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, which makes us feel pleasure.

However, shortly after eating, the person feels bad and anxious again. This is because eating does not solve the main cause of their anxiety.

Because of this, it begins to feel guilty for their impulsive actions, since they have served no purpose. This will only generate more anxiety and cause the person to enter a loop with no way out.

If you think you turn to food to solve your emotional problems, perhaps it is time for you to put yourself in the hands of an online psychologist to overcome anxiety, that silent enemy that we all suffer from at some point.

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What are the main causes of anxiety eating and how can I limit it?

Anxiety about eating can arise due to various factors, such as chronic stress, depression or boredom. What specific cause triggers this anxiety eating and how can I avoid turning to food as a way to calm my nerves or deal with my negative emotions? It is essential to understand that food does not solve the root problem that causes anxiety eating. What alternatives can I seek to manage stress and emotions in a healthier way, such as exercise, relaxation or professional help?

How can you calm your anxiety about eating?

  • Work on your self-esteem. You need to work on your self-esteem and self-knowledge. The higher your self-esteem, the greater your self-confidence. This leads to greater self-confidence and, therefore, greater satisfaction. Control over our lives and our actions improves, and with it, our quality of life.
  • Identify all situations. Observe and identify the moments when the anxiety to eat appears. Ask yourself why it appears, when it happens or what you think before you start eating. This way you can find out part of where the problem comes from and avoid the compulsive eating.
  • RelaxIt's okay to take time for yourself and get away from your routine. To reduce daily stress, you can practice relaxation exercises or any other exercises that you find enjoyable and make you feel good. This will help you calm your mood and make anxiety disappear.
  • Look for other types of rewards. Instead of eating, do other things that are just as satisfying but more beneficial to your health. Compulsive eating can have negative consequences in the long run.
  • Sleep well. Rest is essential to stay calm and balanced. If we don't get enough sleep, we are more tired and irritable. This has a direct effect on our body, causing anxiety levels to increase and, with them, the desire to eat.
  • Take care of your diet. Drink lots of water, sometimes we confuse being hungry with being thirsty. Infusions often help us feel full, or even a piece of fruit instead of a bar of chocolate. Eat slowly, eat more protein and less sugar, add fibre to your diet and include low-calorie foods to satisfy hunger.

Strategies to mitigate anxiety about eating sweets

Controlling cravings for sweets may seem like a challenging task, but with proper strategies and a conscious approach to mental health and eating habits, it is doable.

  • Emotional self-awarenessRecognizing the underlying emotions that trigger cravings is a crucial first step. Keeping a food and emotion journal can uncover specific patterns and triggers.
  • Coping strategies. Cultivating healthy coping mechanisms for stress and anxiety is crucial. Adopting regular relaxation practices, such as meditation and yoga, can reduce the need to turn to sweets as an escape.
  • Food planningMaintaining a regular and balanced meal schedule can help stabilize blood sugar levels and mitigate cravings. Incorporating lean protein sources, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates into meals can create long-lasting satiety.
  • Healthy alternativesSatisfying your sweet tooth doesn't have to involve sugary foods. Fresh fruit, plain yogurt with nuts, and dark chocolate with a high cocoa content are healthier choices that can satisfy your cravings without harming your health.
  • HydrationDrinking enough water can play an essential role in managing cravings. Often, cravings can be mistaken for hunger, and proper hydration can decrease urges to consume sweet foods.
  • Brushing teethBrushing your teeth immediately after a meal can reduce the desire to eat more, as the refreshing taste of the toothpaste can decrease the attraction to sweet tastes.
  • MindfulnessPracticing mindfulness during meals involves paying full attention to the act of eating, which can help you recognize satiety and reduce the tendency to overeat.
  • Eat five meals a day. Spreading your calorie intake throughout the day into five small, balanced meals can prevent drastic fluctuations in blood sugar levels, thereby reducing cravings.

In conclusion, cravings for sweets are a phenomenon that unfolds at the intersection of emotions and eating habits. Understanding its roots and ramifications is essential to addressing it effectively. The key lies in emphasizing

Top 5 books to overcome anxiety

If you are looking for the best book to overcome anxiety, I would recommend exploring the wide range of books on anxiety available in the market. The best books for anxiety offer effective strategies and practical tools to overcome this challenge. From self-help books for anxiety to books to manage anxiety, there are a variety of resources available for those looking to overcome anxiety. Anxiety books can be a valuable tool for those who want to overcome anxiety. Don't hesitate to explore the best books for anxiety.

«The Happiness Trap» by Russ Harris

Harris addresses how the constant pursuit of happiness can lead to long-term suffering and proposes techniques based on acceptance and commitment therapy to overcome problems such as anxiety.

«Your anxiety under control» by Tais Pérez Domínguez and Sergio García Morilla

The authors demystify anxiety, explaining its natural function as an alert mechanism. They offer strategies to understand and manage anxiety in a healthy way.

«How to Control Anxiety Before It Controls You» by Albert Ellis: Ellis,

A pioneer in rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), he presents techniques to control anxiety from the perspective of this brief therapy, which focuses on changing the way we interpret emotional experiences.

«Punk Psychology» by Victor Amat:

Amat criticizes toxic positivism in society and advocates not avoiding problemsHis work challenges unrealistic expectations about life and proposes a different way of facing challenges.

«Who said anxiety?» by Judit Izquierdo and Marta Fox

This book, written by a psychologist and CEO of , offers a comprehensive approach to anxiety, from its origin to its impact on different areas of life.. Includes real stories, theoretical explanations and practical tips to understand and manage anxiety.

Overcome anxiety about eating with the help of an online psychologist

If you have identified with this reading and believe that you may be going through a process of anxiety and have the need to binge eat continuously, ask for help.

The psychological therapy offers you the help you need to regain your balance, both physically and psychologically. In therapy you will learn tools to control your anxiety about eating. Mechanisms so that you learn to replace those impulsive thoughts in reasonable thoughtsYou will realize that your negative feelings can be replaced by positive thoughts and you will be able to improve your quality of life.

You can get all this through the online therapy. Why online? Just like in person, the online psychologist will carry out a assessment what is happening to you, what your symptoms are and how it affects your life.

This way it will help you see the problem from another perspective and will be able to deal with it more easily. In addition, online therapy offers a series of advantages:

  • Accessibility. It is one of the great advantages of the online therapy. It offers you the opportunity to receive this service from wherever you want without having to travel. Therefore, it is accessible to anyone who may have difficulties when obtaining this service.
  • Saving time. That you can access therapy from…