Online psychologist to overcome a bad streak – Online Psychologists

Throughout our lives we go through difficult times in which we are faced with problems of diverse natureThese obstacles are usually, in most cases, related to a disappointment in lovethe loss of a loved one either problems at work. Are handicaps that little by little accumulate and create that period of time called bad streak.

When we talk about a bad streak we refer to a relatively long period. A stage in which events are neither positive nor beneficial to a person's life. These lapses are often associated with «bad luck» or «bad fate.»

It is also normal for someone who is having a bad streak to look for someone to blame or even take refuge in astrology to justify these problems. When we find ourselves in this situation, our energy and vitality are depleted. Many times we get into a state of pessimism that makes us see everything dark. No way out.

Everyone has moments in their life when they go through a rough patch. Even those of us who believe that our lives are “bright and colorful.” After all, we are all human beings and we are all affected by problems.

It is true that they do not affect all of us in the same way or with the same intensity. Each person has their own characteristics that make it unique and therefore a series of skills and abilities different ways to deal with each situation.

How to overcome a bad streak?

First of all, it is important to find the reasons why we are in a bad streak. Forget about everything related to chance, the stars or destiny and focus on the real problems that have caused this situation of discomfort. In other words, we must find a solution to end the bad streak.

We must be aware that luck is a a question of attitude and the good or bad things that happen to you will depend on that attitude. Professor at the University of Hertfordshire in the United Kingdom, Richard Wiseman was the one who came to that conclusion. So if we want things to improve, we must start by improve ourselves How? By thinking more openly.

  • We must begin to untie ourselves little by little. We have to start to stop seeing everything black. Be receptive, flexible people, willing to open up to new experiences.

Must to strive, to stimulate our abilities and to move away from that which is an obstacle in our improvement. In addition, we must learn to control factors such as stress, nerves or tension, because they hinder our progress.

— siquia | psychologists (@siquiacom) August 22, 2023

  • Overcoming fears and be able to see beyond that dead endEven if we think we are not well and we are not positive because of everything that is sinking us, we can.

Human beings have the ability to reason, to stop and think. This allows us to analyze each and every one of the facts that make us feel bad. But also those factors that make us feel good. We must ensure that these are worth double. These positive aspects They will be the ones who decontaminate the darkness that we have inside.

  • Change habitsWe all have a routine and we are used to a series of activities that we do on a daily basis. When we are going through a bad patch, it is advisable for the brain to change its habits. It is clear that old habits have not been effective.

Of course this It is not an easy task. You don't get over a bad streak in a day or two. That's why, We must practiceWe must practice something very important: optimism. We must remind ourselves every day that both the bad and the good are part of life.

  • We must train optimismThis can be done with things as simple as being generous, investing time in experiences that make us feel good or dedicating time to what we are good at doing. Get out of your comfort zone and enjoy the good things that life has to offer.

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Online therapy offers emotional and strategic support to overcome bad times. It also allows access to many specialized psychologists, which makes it easier for the person to find a psychologist that best suits their needs.

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Online therapy to overcome bad times

Getting over a bad streak It's not easyIt is a process that involves time and dedication.

One of the best options To be able to get out of that tunnel in the best possible way and in the healthiest way is through online therapy. The help from a professional It will help you to free yourself from that tunnel in which you can find yourself without seeing the exit. It will offer you the necessary tools to move forward and overcome the problem.

If you find yourself going through a rough patch and are looking for psychological help, 's team of online psychologists can help you. Contact us by clicking the button.

Advantages of online therapy

  • Accessibility. This is undoubtedly one of the main advantages of online therapy. Thanks to accessibility, patients can connect from anywhere in the world with a psychologist and even, if they were already attending therapy, with their own psychologist.
  • Flexible schedulesOnline therapy offers the possibility of a flexible schedule. This allows patients to schedule therapy sessions based on the free time they have throughout the day. This benefit is undoubtedly essential for those people who work or have to take care of family members, which is sometimes what makes attending therapy in person difficult.
  • Greater variety of specialists. After all, being able to do therapy online is a benefit in terms of a «catalogue» of psychologists, since it helps to find a psychologist who adapts to the needs that the patient needs, such as a psychologist specialized in couples therapy.

Why choose

  • We have been leaders in online psychological care since 2012.
  • First informational appointment free.
  • Online therapy from 40 euros per session.
  • Team of senior psychologists, with decades of experience.
  • All the therapy we offer is via videoconference. 100% confidential.
  • The same psychologist will attend to you throughout the treatment.
  • At you do not lose the money for the sessions. If you cannot connect or are not there, the session is postponed to another day.
  • Attention in Spanish, English and Catalan.