OCD for cleaning: it is not an obsession, it is a disorder with treatment – Online Psychologists

One of the Obsessive Compulsive Disorders The most widespread is the one associated with the cleaning. It manifests in a person when he or she notices the smallest speck of dust or a mess that does not have to be large in his or her environment. Being an orderly person is not at all the same as being someone with OCD, since in the second case the affected person generates psychological discomfort.

This indicates that your efforts to keep your environment clean have a pathological tone. To realize that someone in your environment or even yourself has it, it is worth asking yourself if the disorder from a place generates anxiety and psychological discomfort.

Someone who suffers from OCD related to cleaning suffers when he sees that everything around him is not in perfect condition and can enter a cleaning loop and Negative thoughts that prevent you from leading a normal lifeIt is not unusual for those who suffer from this type of OCD to be completely unaware of it, which is why if we notice it from the outside we must intervene.

How to recognize obsessive-compulsive cleaning disorder?

Whether it is yourself or someone in your immediate environment, it is worth observing whether:

  • Thoughts about cleanliness invade the affected person's mind for most of the day.
  • Can spend several hours cleaning a single stay on a frequent basis.
  • He feels guilty for leaving the house or doing tasks other than cleaning and tidying up.
  • Avoid places that you consider dirty or not clean enough.
  • He pressures his surroundings to be just as clean and tidy.

The personal hygiene It is also part of the OCD of cleaning and with it we can point out symptoms such as discomfort that the affected person may feel if he or she touches a surface that does not consider itself clean enough, which in turn generates the need to go get cleaned. It is worth mentioning that excessive body cleansing can cause damage to the skin.

How does OCD with cleaning appear?

Interestingly, as the origin of this type of disorder often lies in the childhood or youth of the affected person, especially in children or even adolescents exposed to continuous stressThe triggers are varied, but among them are:

  • He little affection or no affection at all on the part of the parents. It may also be total rejection on their part and the inability to care for the child.
  • A family atmosphere with strict rules that prevent correct development and are a source of stress.
  • Childhood traumas of various kinds: a toxic family environment, separation, death, etc.

However, there are cases of this type of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder that already develop in adult life. People who suffer from it need to fill a void or want to alleviate the discomfort that certain situations generate because cleanliness has positive repercussions on the self-esteemgenerates the feeling of usefulness and vital fullness.

How is the diagnosis made?OCD tico for cleanliness

  • Physical examination. Depending on the case, habits and current situation are previously analyzed to rule out pathologies or physical problems that motivate a visit to the psychologist. In this case, a visit to the appropriate specialist doctor would be recommended.
  • Psychological evaluation. It includes an interview and tests (not always necessary). The evaluation can last several sessions if the OCD has been going on for a long time and requires a lot of dedication to understand the origin and consequences.
  • Diagnostic criteria for OCD. The psychologist will establish the appropriate therapy in a personalized way for each patient. Normally, work is done through cognitive behavioral therapy following the criteria established in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).

Treating OCD with Cleanliness

Since it is not a simple disorder to treat without help, it is recommended go to a psychologist that can successfully guide you towards recovery. Those who suffer from this type of OCD must be aware that they have a problem that is out of the ordinary, a obsession.

Then, the ideal is find the root causes of the problem and aim to reduce stress and anxiety levels.

The latter implies the support from the environment that helps break the affected person's rigid cleaning routine. It is useful to focus interest on something else and look for hobbies that fill the void without becoming a problem, so they should be varied. In addition, it is essential reinforce self-esteem and positive thoughts.

In the event that the treatment requires medicationyour psychologist will refer you to a psychiatrist who will proceed to complete the psychotherapy.