Obsession with pregnancy that does not come and its consequences – Online Psychologists

At some point in their lives, it is normal for many women and couples to decide to take the step of having a child. But the path, in many cases, is not easy.

Then comes the frustration, fear, sadness And, as the months or years go by, the interest in pregnancy ends up becoming an obsession.

In fact, there are women who even comment on how pregnancy symptoms repeat themselves month after month without it being real. They only see pregnant women on the street, crying is part of their routine and their weeks go by thinking about when ovulation will come again. They live conditioned by a desire and by the sadness that accompanies it.

Anxiety, an enemy of pregnancy

We all know that anxiety plays tricks on us in many situations in our lives. And this process is no different. In fact, there is a profile of a psychologist specialised in fertility treatments, who is very necessary for emotional support.

The study “Preconception stress increases the risk of infertility” Posted by Human Reproduction makes clear How stress affects at the time of conceiving.

To test this, 501 women aged 18 to 40 with no known fertility problems who wanted to get pregnant were monitored. After measuring two biological indicators of stress present in saliva: alpha-amylase and cortisol, it was discovered that women with high levels of these were 29% less likely to get pregnant each month.

Bordering on infertility

The matter does not end there, since when comparing them with women who had low levels of this enzyme, they found that the chances of not getting pregnant after 12 months of regular sexual relations increased up to double due to stress.

In addition to stress, obsessing about pregnancy can lead to low self-esteem and affect interpersonal relationships. It is essential to seek emotional support and maintain a balanced perspective during this process.

It is important to be clear that the possibility of infertility It begins to be considered precisely after a year of unsuccessful relationships, a fact that shows how serious the influence of stress can be.

The problem is precisely that when this happens and the months go by without pregnancy arriving, the disappointment and frustration which only lead to a situation where anxiety is increasing.

Try a session

Obsession with pregnancy within a couple is a challenge that can significantly affect their emotional well-being and the relationship itself. Couples therapy will be the best ally to face an infertility process.

Make an appointment

Keys to ending mental block

  • Stay calm. Assume the phase you are in. Okay, it's not as you expected but at this stage you are in.Tranquility helps to unlock.
  • Change routine. Think about a vacation, make plans for leisure, things that you like, that relax you, that make you concentrate only on the present.
  • Respect the couple. Overwhelming your partner is not going to help much. Now more than ever you must be an emotional support for each other. Express your feelings, tell each other your fears and go to the specialists that are necessary to better handle this ordeal. psychologist will teach you how to finish off the recurring negative thoughts now to get some perspective. In you can try the online therapy.
  • Communicate your feelingsTalk openly with your partner or loved ones about what you are feeling. Communication can strengthen bonds and help share the emotional burden.
  • Find ways to manage stress. Practice relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga or deep breathing to reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Allow yourself to feel emotions. Don't hold back feelings of sadness, frustration, or cravings. It's normal to experience a wide range of emotions in this process, so allow yourself to feel and process what you're experiencing.

Remember that each person deals with infertility in a unique way, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Take time to take care of yourself emotionally and seek the right support to help you cope.

Infertility can be a difficult change, but with support, patience and compassion for yourself, you can find ways to cope and move forward with hope for the future.

How to address it within the couple

  • Open and honest communicationThe first step in addressing pregnancy obsession within a couple is to open channels of communication. Both partners must feel safe and comfortable to express their emotions, concerns, and expectations without fear of judgment or criticism. Actively listening to the other partner is essential to understand their feelings and needs in this process.
  • Recognizing and managing emotionsIt is normal for the search for pregnancy to generate anxiety, frustration and sadness. It is essential that each member of the couple can recognize and express their emotions appropriately. Accepting these emotions will allow a healthier approach to the situation, preventing them from becoming a source of conflict.
  • Avoid blaming or pointing fingersIn times of stress, it is common for couples to blame each other for the lack of pregnancy. This approach only increases the emotional distance and does nothing to resolve the problem. Instead of looking for someone to blame, it is more useful to understand that conception is a complex and multifactorial process.
  • Establish boundaries and rest spaces. Obsession with pregnancy can consume the couple's entire life, leaving little room for other activities and enjoying the present. It is essential to establish limits on conversations and actions related to trying to get pregnant. In addition, it is recommended to schedule moments of rest and distraction, focusing on other areas of life and maintaining personal interests and hobbies.
  • Seek professional supportWhen obsession with pregnancy becomes an emotional burden that is difficult to manage, it is beneficial to seek the support of a psychology professional specialized in fertility and couple relationships. A therapist can help the couple explore their emotions more deeply, improve communication, and develop strategies to deal with the process of trying to get pregnant in a healthier way.

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  • Attention in Spanish, English and Catalan.