Obelisk hidden, esoteric and spiritual meaning (biblical)

Obelisk hidden meaning We have received several questions related to the obelisk being some of them Does the obelisk have a hidden meaning? What is its spiritual and esoteric meaning? Does the obelisk have biblical significance?

Let’s look at the answers to these questions:


General features

Obelisks, or tekhenu to the ancient Egyptians, first appeared in the Old Kingdom of Egypt (2649-2150 BC) around 2300 BC. Characterized by a four-sided square base tapering to an isosceles pyramidion at the top, these structures initially symbolized rebirth, and were used as funerary monuments. These memorial structures were believed to attract the reviving rays of the sun, thus allowing the deceased to be resurrected.

Then came the monolithic obelisks that were invented by the kings of the fifth dynasty (2465-2323 BC) in reverence to the sun god, Re. They often had royal connotations, representing a connection between the spirit (ka) of the king and the god. of the sun.

The shape of these obelisks may have been representative, since the shaft functioned as a pillar in honor of the sun god, and the pyramidon symbolized the sun’s rays hitting the earth6 Despite the new meanings of the monolithic obelisk, these gigantic structures continued to function as funerary monuments, and were often placed at the entrance to tombs.

The obelisks have to be very tall, and the Egyptians reckon they are able to pierce through the clouds in order to destroy the ruins that manifest as storms. Let’s see, next, the obelisk hidden, esoteric, spiritual and biblical meaning.


its symbolism

There are several interpretations of the symbolic meaning of obelisks in the occult and esoteric. Let’s break down some of these interpretations:

Obelisk hidden and esoteric meaning #1 Resurrection and rebirth. In the context of the Egyptian sun god, the obelisk also symbolizes resurrection. The tip of the top of the pillar is there to break the clouds and allow the sun to shine on the land. Sunlight is believed to bring the dead back to life. That is why we can see so many obelisks in the oldest cemeteries.

Obelisk hidden and esoteric meaning #2 unity and harmony The obelisks were always raised two by two, maintaining the Egyptian value of harmony and balance, as the idea of ​​duality pervades Egyptian culture. Instead of focusing on the differences between the two parts of a pair, the essential unity of existence was emphasized through the harmonization and alignment of opposites.

Obelisk hidden and esoteric meaning #3 strength and immortality Obelisks were also associated with the pharaohs, representing the vitality and immortality of the living deity. As such, they were carefully raised and positioned so that the first and last light of day would touch their tops in honor of the sun deity.

Obelisk hidden and esoteric meaning #4 success and effort Just as it took immense effort and commitment to carve, polish, and turn a huge chunk of stone into a perfect tower, obelisks were also seen as a symbol of victory, success, and achievement, and represented each individual’s ability to dedicate their efforts to advance humanity and leave a positive mark on society.

Obelisk hidden and esoteric meaning #5 a phallic symbol Phallic symbolism was quite common in ancient times and was often depicted in architecture. The obelisk is often considered such a phallic symbol, signifying the masculinity of the earth. In the 20th century, obelisks became associated with sex.


The obelisk in the spiritual and in crystal healing

The straight, towering appearance of an obelisk is a frequent shape found in jewelry, most commonly as crystal pendants and earrings.

Obelisk-shaped crystals are believed to purify energy by amplifying and concentrating it through the pointed end of the crystal, or the apex. These crystals are believed to help acquire and maintain good mental, physical, and emotional balance and dispel negative energy. For this reason, people often put them in rooms where there may be some conflict or stress, in the workplace, for example.

The beautiful obelisk crystal jewelry is made of different semi-precious stones such as amethyst, selenite, rose quartz, opal, aventurine, topaz, moonstone and many others. Each of these gemstones has specific healing properties.


Is the obelisk in the Bible?

The limestone obelisk has been dated to 825 BC and its cuneiform inscriptions were written in the Akkadian language. According to Professor Meyer, Shalmaneser III also appears in the Bible and is mentioned in the Old Testament Book of Kings.


obelisks in the world

At the end of the 19th century, the government of Egypt gave an obelisk to the United States and another to Great Britain. One is in Central Park, in New York, and the other in the embankment of the Thames, in London. Although the latter is called Cleopatra’s Needle, it has nothing to do with the queen. Both bear inscriptions dedicated to Thutmose III and Ramses II.

The best example of a modern obelisk is the well-known Washington Monument, completed in 1884. It is 555 feet tall and contains an observatory. It embodies the nation’s awe and respect for its most essential founding father, George Washington.

In Brazil, the largest monument of this type is the Obelisk of Ibirapuera.


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