Oasibeth cup ritual

The already famous these days ritual of the oasibeth cup it is, for many, a kind of game or a weekly exercise. However, this rite is serious and complex and can do a lot for you. Indeed, it is an inexhaustible source of answers and inspiration that can encourage you to take some momentous steps in your life.

Oasibeth cup ritual

what is the oasibeth cup

Without a doubt, it is a very healthy practice. A weekly exercise that will help you detach yourself from daily worries and unfulfilled deep desires with the aim of launching them into the Universe. The problems exist, the conflicts are real, but if you manage to manifest them, express them (write them down) and release them, the solution or the answers will come when you least expect it and in an almost magical way.

This ritual is associated with registering emotions and managing them well, something that psychologists recommend doing. The weekly exercise that consists of pointing out those intimate themes or issues that nest in your soul and that are spoiling your quality of life is a way to externalize conflicts.

Let them go. Then, the exercise of asking the Universe with «blind faith» for the resolution of some problems or the fulfillment of certain desires is a way of asking the divine for help in earthly life. It is, truly, a connection of the self with the divine.

How to perform this ritual?

First and foremost: it should be done on a Wednesday. Choose a glass. The one you like, the one that reminds you of someone special or the one you just bought at the supermarket. Write down some of your concerns and those topics on which you would like to receive information and some answers. It is important that you write with clarity, conviction and with supreme faith: you must trust that the fact of manifesting a desire or a demand to the Universe will bring you closer to its satisfaction.

You must be sure that what you ask for is already yours. For it feel in a state of abundance, although today you feel rather vulnerable. Never speak from a state of lack (don’t use words such as «need», «want», «crave»), but always from a state of gratitude and abundance («alive», «am», «feel», for that matter). example). In this way, a self-fulfilling prophecy will be set in motion that will help the divine forces to ensure that your request is granted.

Do the ritual without expecting anything. When expectations are low, satisfaction is infinite. That is, when you get excited, you get very disappointed. Avoid having vain hopes. Send your concern to the Universe and the Universe will respond in return. You must know how to wait (let time pass), although with realistic expectations.

Why? Because sometimes you ask for something that is not convenient for you or that harms another person and the Divinity responds to fair and authentic demands; not to all

An example of the former is money request. Sometimes you don’t need money, but ideas to start a business. Sometimes you ask the Universe for something you don’t really need and the Universe responds in the way that suits you. You must be clear: everything that happens, is convenient. Simply because reality is as it is and not as you want it to be.

Money does not come alone, but as a reward for talent, work, effort or the simple fact of doing something you like.

After that, put the paper with your notes in your cup for a full week. At the end of that time, tear up the paper or throw it in the trash can. How do you explain that the simple passage of time acts in your favor? There are invisible forces (the golden angels, for example) that have been at work for the past seven days and that will help you to resolve, in one way or another, the conflicts in your life.

You must remain alert. That is: attentive to the signs and the signs of the times. The help will arrive faster than you expect, although in very curious ways. You will see. Not necessarily what you expect will reach you, but perhaps what you need most and never imagined.

The next Wednesday, write again (do it briefly) your worries and concerns. Some are probably the same as the previous week. No matter. What does matter is that you do the oasibeth cup a weekly practice or exercise. A routine. The help of the golden angels will reach you as long as you ask the Universe from the heart and with sincerity.

Now that you know the secrets of the oasibeth cupturn to her when worries overwhelm you and you feel like letting go. Resist and use this resource to find answers and, consequently, improve your life completely. Go for it!