Numerology: What is and how to use it in daily life

Day: 2 + 7 = 9

Month: 1 + 0 = 1

Year: 1 + 9 + 9 + 0 = 19, then 1 + 9 = 10, and 1 + 0 = 1

Finally, all numbers are added: 9 + 1 + 1 = 11, which is equal to 1 + 1 = 2.

This means that your life mission number is 2.

Destination number

This number reveals the part of you that is looking for satisfactionand meets the same technique to find your life mission number, only used Your first name and surname To align each letter with a number.

Use number 1 for letters A, J, S.

Use number 2 for letters B, K, T.

Use number 3 for letters C, L, U.

Use the number 4 for letters D, M, V.

Use number 5 for letters E, N, W.

Use number 6 for letters F, O, X.

Use the number 7 for letters G, P, Y.

Use number 8 for letters H, Q, Z.

Use the number 9 for letters I, R.

We share how to calculate the most important numbers in your life.Helin Loik-Tomson / Getty images

What is the meaning of the numbers from 1 to 9?

Although they exist various interpretations On each number within this philosophy, the meaning of the numbers expresses Patterns similar

Number 1. represents a determined, strong, dynamic, brave, enthusiastic and individualistic personality.

Number 2. The person who has this number is patient, versatile, helpful, ingenious, friendly and adaptable.

Number 3. Personality is lush, optimistic, enthusiastic, proud, authoritarian and creative.

Number 4. It represents a methodical, concrete, persevering personality, linked to traditional, reflective and many talents.

Number 5. Who has this number is enthusiastic, jovial, intuitive, independent, adaptable and dynamic.

Number 6. It represents a mature personality, available for the needs of others, creative, sensitive, comprehensive, sentimental and tenacious.

Number 7. The person who has this personal number is intuitive, sensitive, emotional, seeks perfection and is endowed with imagination and creativity.

Number 8. Personality is ambitious and authoritarian, tenacious, proud, magnetic, energetic and stubborn.

Number 9. Sensitivity, generosity, balance, diplomacy, attention, clarity, sense of duty and love for others are the positive characteristics of those who have this personal number.