According to numerology, this year's number is 7.Black Ice / Pexels.
For the numerologythe number 2 It symbolizes duality, couple, family and social life, since, in general, it represents company. He 2 Denota sympathy, kindness, goodness, affection, happiness, adaptability and consideration towards the other. It is one of the most noble numbers within the numeral for the virtues that it exalts. It is a digit of balance, union and receptivity, intuition and vulnerability. Hence it is a year focused on creation.
As for the 3the numerology He tells us that it is expression and authenticity. The number 3 is constantly testing to connect with the interior and emotions, since by nature it is pragmatic, cold and methodical, it needs to evolve towards balance and internal connection.
Regarding 0the numerologists claim that it is the beginning and the end. It is the representation of infinity. The base from which everything part.
The recommendation of numerology for 2023 is meditation.Magda Ehlers / Pexels.
The General Prediction according to numerology It is to go carefully in each decision. Since we have many numbers that tell us with the internal connection, with the principles, spirituality and creativity, everything we do, experts say, must be from love, self -knowledge and trust we deposit in our knowledge and skills. It will be a year of many challenges and tests, you may feel challenged and with fear, but it is part of the learning and development process that we must go through to be better people.
The numerologists, seeing the number 0they felt a bit alarmed, since it can also be interpreted as a break, whether cultural, scientific or social, and perhaps there is some of that with everything that humanity is experiencing, but it is something that we can cope with if we start every day and each project safely.
As additional advice of the numerologyit is recommended that this year we are more open to the spiritual path, which we can reach through meditation.