Numerical synchronicity Meaning (definition) and examples

Numerical synchronicity Numbers have always aroused a lot of curiosity in us. Just look at the complex equations deciphered by Einstein, Grabovoi’s incredible technique, and the magic of synchronization between them.

Synchronies make us see that there is an underlying order in the flow of life. Behind a mysterious coincidence, there is always a message for you. Perhaps synchronicity is a kind of language or small messages that the universe uses to communicate, but what does synchronicity mean? How can it be defined?


concept of synchronicity

When there is a connection between an external event and an internal feeling, thought and desire, it can be said that a synchronization occurs.

Concept created by Jung, synchronicity defines events that are related not by a causal relationship, but by a relationship of meaning.

This connection between the external and internal world can be found, for example, in a bookstore. Imagine that we want to read about a certain topic. Then we start browsing the shelves and the book we need to read seems to “fall” into our hands. It comes to us in a surprising and unusual way.

In other words, the desire to understand about a topic (inner reality) is met by an external event, such as finding a fallen book on the floor of the bookstore that is about exactly what we want to know. Let’s see, next, what is related to numerical synchronicity.


timing and numbers

They say that when a certain thing is about to happen, or to come into your life, some manifestations of everyday life will send signals, like road signs, indicating the best way to your destination.

These numbers can be seen repeatedly, through hundreds or even thousands, for example: 111 or 1111, on the clock as 1:11 or 11:11, on car or street signs, or in doubles, for example 14:14 or 1414 etc.


example of synchronicity

In this sense, let’s go to the most common numerical synchronicities:

Numerical synchronicity 1111 or 111 They say that this sequence is the closest to our spirituality. It shows us when we are in tune with our beliefs and our faith. It seems to confirm that we are on the right track and that we are fine with life, although some problems accompany us. It is as if God were close by blowing in our ears: “Keep it up, my son. You’re on the right track.»

Numerical synchronicity 222 or 2222 It’s when the universe conspires to give you everything you want quickly. It appears when you are at the right time and place, heading to your destination.

Numerical synchronicity 333 or 3333 It is a kind of mantra to attract prosperity and happiness. The best way to hum it is: «I attract happiness and I attract prosperity.» I am worthy».

Numerical synchronicity 444 or 4444 It is a reminder from heaven that the angels are with you, calling you to turn the problem you are experiencing into something positive. It also says that you can achieve what you have wanted for a long time. A message that anything is possible, and that lemons were made to make tasty lemonade. Sequence 444 encourages you to take action.

Numerical synchronicity 555 or 5555 It appears when the universe is moving things in your direction. It is when he moves the chopsticks and brings you, quickly, what belongs to you. It talks about making decisions and choosing life. It warns you that your need for change is not something futile, but positive and fundamental for your evolution.

Numerical synchronicity 666 or 6666 Here we have a controversy. Various sides try to explain in different ways how these sequences vibrate. Some say that these numbers evoke bad things. However, a not insignificant current affirms that these numbers vibrate so that new paths appear in your life, however, it is up to you to choose them wisely.

Numerical synchronicity 777 or 7777 This is said to be one of the most powerful spiritual numbers. Seeing this sequence of numbers means that great progress is being made for yourself, to get to where you have always wanted to go. The number 7 speaks of self-contemplation, thought, knowledge and wisdom. It is the victory conquered by your own merits. It is the time of miracles.

Numerical synchronicity 888 or 8888 They usually appear when you are in harmony with the universe. When you accept your path and manage to walk it with joy, gratitude and acceptance. It also signals the successful end of an affective relationship (when the couple manages to end the marriage, but love and friendship continue), or professional (with, for example, the deserved arrival of retirement). Knowing how to close cycles is a gift that is granted to few.

Numerical synchronicity 999 or 9999 They appear when a new cycle starts at the same time the previous one leaves. The end of a stage in your personal or collective life. It also expresses God’s will that you practice love for your neighbor in every way. Benevolence, tolerance, forbearance, patience, and all the other feelings that we only internalize when a beautiful journey has been completed.


Numerical synchronicity in the clock:

10:10 It’s time to clean up the past and focus on the present. It is best to start by organizing your house, your cabinets, drawers and everything that is messy.

12:12 It is the time when you need to balance your body and soul. It is good to seek nature.

14:14 I open the doors for abundance to enter my life.


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