North Node in Virgo: The Observant Analyst

People born with the North Node in Virgo may want to do only what their inner voice tells them and not go with the rules imposed by reality. In fact, Virgo is known for its misunderstood and less appreciated natives..

These individuals can see what is ideal and have the desire to do whatever it takes for perfection in their eyes to be achieved. However, for this to happen, they need to be discerning and discriminating, which means they need to express themselves more clearly.

North Node in Virgo

Strengths: Observant, talented and insightful.
challenges: Secrecy and contempt.
celebrities: Salvador Dali, Stephen Hawking, Marie Curie, Martin Scorsese.
dates: May 25, 1941 – November 21, 1942; December 16, 1959 – June 10, 1961; July 6, 1978 – January 5, 1980; January 26, 1997 – October 20, 1998; November 12, 2015 – May 9, 2017.

Excited for new adventures

Natives with the North Node in Virgo like to take care of every little detail of their lives.. They may automatically have the impulse to daydream too much, thus forgetting what needs to be done for daily life, which can put them in danger.

Your South Node is in the opposite sign, the Pisces, which means that you need to stay focused on what is going on in your daily life because external forces are going to teach you how to take care of yourself, as well as how to interpret the circumstances and that’s it. don’t run away from reality.

They must bear in mind that they must follow a routine because only a life of learning can make them more practical and responsible..

When it comes to their career, they may need to learn a thing or two about computers, at least enough to be efficient at work.

More than this, you need to learn how to fix different things because you owe it to the Divine to be fixers and the solutions to all your technical problems may be in your hands.

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North Node in Virgo people can train their brains in scientific fields, but they can also be amazing surgeons. These are not the only careers that help develop your awareness. They could also go down the path of Arts and History because they are analytical and can pay attention to every little detail.

Their South Node in Pisces indicates that they are perfect for the most demanding projects. insightful Y attractiveespecially if they lived in isolation and missed out on a lot of things in life.

It can be amazing to live a happy existence and not have a care in the world.

Those with the North Node in Virgo do not have a protective layer against bad people and bad circumstances. They are very friendly and never rushed you anywhere. These natives only seek inner peace and are not interested in moving to uncomfortable places..

They are just floating when it comes to living their life, not to mention excited to be sent on new adventures, but not stressful or worrying if possible.

Having the North Node in Virgo, they are naturally idealists and they have an inner need to make their dreams come true.

They must not allow themselves to be distracted, but they must be good with everyday matters and focus on being able to accomplish their goals.

The North Node in Virgo must take risks, no matter how fearful they feel. Also, they should not become addicted to anything, or try to escape from reality.

Wise and feeling part of a whole, he can keep up with the world, as he is working hard towards his ideal and often getting what he wants. However, they must not let their tendency to make everything perfect get the better of them. More than that, they need to make plans and respect their own ideas..

These Pisces South Node natives are used to working together with the Universe, which is an amazing talent for them.

In fact, it is also a mechanism for them to cope with everyday life, although sometimes they are forced to be more active and take charge of a situation.

Your less selfish spirit is meant to offer happiness of mind, but it is not the most efficient when it comes to moving forward.

The ego is important when it comes to motivating and actually getting things done, but these people with the South Node in Pisces need to understand that life is sometimes not this way to understand and that things can collide into one thing that is bigger. than what they have seen before.

In this situation, they must be able to make judgments, categorize and filter, especially when it comes to hurtful and dangerous situations.

Yearning to be one with the Universe, they may be blind to how complex the world is, as well as their surroundings, especially those close by.

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A need to be more attentive to detail

People with the North Node in Virgo can be cunning and good at healingbut no matter what they are doing, they need to use their abilities because in this way, they can become powerful.

They seem to possess psychic abilities and creativity, which means they have unique ways of looking at life.. All of these things can help them succeed in ways that have not been seen before.

The more they go astray on their way to get something in the shadow of Pisces, they can remember visions they have forgotten, as well as remember everything about the beauty and meaning of life.

They need to keep the magic alive in their mind. They may not have any drive to do anything, because they just want to exist in peace.

This is very nice of them, but there may be a time when situations leave them stumped and they feel as if others have only picked on them.

This is possible when they do not pay attention to what limits them in life. By any means necessary, they may refuse to accept the present and escape through harmful behavior or by becoming addicted, especially when they feel pressured.

Although this may sound negative, they are in fact smart and efficient people, many of them creative musicians..

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However, they may not get to do many things during this life if they are only engaged in art, and not in a precise way.

Your soul’s purpose is to create discipline and bring harmonyas well as cure and practice the wisdom.

If they know what is good for them after making a choice between what is good and what is bad, they may end up maintaining a balance between the extraordinary and the ordinary that life has to offer.

Those with the North Node in Virgo need to be good at one skill and present themselves to the whole world.. As soon as they are useful to other people, they can begin to appreciate themselves and become more self-aware.

The shadow of people born with the North Node in Virgo is escaping from reality and no longer feels like it belongs to its own being.

Many of them may have spent their entire lives without having an ego because they decided to be only in service to others or to be too religious, but this is not the most efficient way to live.

In a past life, they may not have worked very hard on their ego and people may not seem like very good children to them because they were too dependent on their group or addicted to something.

⬇️ Click below to read: ‘This is your compatibility with your partner in bed if you’re a Virgo’ ⬇️

If they only listen to their inner voice to participate in the game called life, they can become mere dreamers who only live to meet the expectations of others.

More than this, they may think that if they don’t, they may lose the appreciation of their loved ones. There is a fine line between being helpful and desperate for the approval of others..

They need to pay attention to details and enjoy the little things in life if they want to feel disciplined and achieve anything in life.

If they are musicians, they need to sit down and write their own music, perhaps to learn how to edit their compositions.

All in all, Virgo North Node natives need to put their native skills into something concrete. The more they pursue things with a clear mind, the more easily they can meet challenges.