North Node in Cancer: The soft sentimental

People born with the North Node of Cancer are on a mission to achieve happiness in their domestic life and strong life connections.

These natives love to be near the water, take care of their family and respect tradition. The karma that you have inherited is often very powerful in your life, so you need to be aware of the positive and negative energies that you have from your ancestors.

North Node in Cancer in a nutshell

– Strengths: Comfortable, ambitious and responsible.
– challenges: Fixed, critical and stubborn.
– Celebrities: Marilyn Monroe, Mark Jacobs, Johnny Depp, Michelle Obama.
– Dates: May 12, 1944 – December 3, 1945; December 24, 1962 – August 25, 1964; September 25, 1981 – March 16, 1983; April 10, 2000 – October 13, 2001; November 7, 2018 – May 5, 2020.

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In continuous development and evolution

As the Moon is the one that rules Cancer, those who have the North Node in this sign have moods fluctuating and sometimes they can make decisions that shock others. In other words, they are the ones who organize their agenda today and dance naked by the fire, on the beach, tomorrow.

Having their North Node in Cancer, they want to offer their intuition everything they have because the Moon in them is strong and feeds their soul. The natives of this place should not hesitate to go sometimes more slowly Y to enjoy of the sensations presented to them.

Therefore, when they feel that their life is no longer suitable for them, they must be bold enough to leave the past behind and start living something new.

Just like crabs in the sea, sometimes they need to come out of their shell and let their fears be what makes their dreams come true. Continual development and evolution through rebirth is strong on the Cancer/Capricorn axis.

The soul of people born with the North Node of Cancer seeks to no longer have material needs or feel responsible. They may need to cry to let their emotions express themselves.

More than this, they can put the process of giving and receiving love first and take a look at what is going on instead of focusing on a specific goal.

These natives must be bold enough to take risks by having to start new projects, especially the most Plutonian ones, which are related to rebirth through the death of what has already been consumed, doing something dangerous.

They can use humor to fix situations, make others feel good, and reunite old friends or families who no longer get along very well. When it comes to his shadow, it’s about being too practical until emotions can no longer be felt.

If the North Node of Cancer does not allow their feminine or lunar side to rule, they can become too cold Y fearful. More than this, they may defend their feelings by appearing overly proud, at which point they are like the calm before the storm.

It is very likely that they were leaders during their past lives, which means they needed to be powerful and hide all your weaknesses.

They probably didn’t show any emotion and were trusted by others, which means they had an imposing reputation, a serious attitude, and strong morals. Also, some of them had to take care of a sick person in their family.

Those of them who had more difficult past lives, or going through difficulties during the present one, are most likely very realistic and very mature.

All your difficulties may have been brought by others, which means that you do not trust people very easily, not even in life itself.

Since they had to face difficult situations and they know that things can go downhill at any time, they cannot be as happy as others.

However, this does not mean that all natives with the North Node in Cancer have had the same experiences. Some of them have probably had big jobs and lots of money, while others might have been famous.

They lived in luxury and had power. Always being in control of the best and having the ability to leave your emotions behind, especially when you have responsibilities, are some of your greatest traits, although your soul seeks something more when it comes to fulfillment.

These people may be tired of the difficulties of life, which means that it may be difficult for them to resist in a fast-paced environment where business develops very quickly.

Although it is strong, it would be useful for them to visit a psychologist. In case you can’t even imagine being in therapy, you can meditate or think hard over a glass of wine.

If they felt that their soft side should come to the surface, they could watch a movie like Titanic. It’s easy for them to have her lover open up, no matter how hard and cold this person is.

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More focused on your ambitions

After a long day at work, people with the North Node in Cancer should go home and relax. If they need help, they should not hesitate to ask for it.. However, they can be resistant when it comes to being natural with these attitudes.

In their past lives or maybe during this one, they had to work very hard to make their dreams come true, so that the present can find them as practical survivors who easily adapt to any situation and can easily make a living.

Some of them have probably been too cautious Y quiet as to be unpleasant. They should accept their present in a more relaxed way and get away from an environment that is putting pressure on them.

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Cancer North Node natives should use their present to shift their focus from others to themselves, as well as to emphasize the goals they are having while their life is happening.

They should ask themselves about their feelings in relation to different topics because a part of them can help to leave behind the limitations from the past, making it a necessity, while the other is about feelings and crying.

It’s not about feeling sorry for yourself because these Capricorn-Cancer axis natives know a thing or two about how the tension between opposites works.

They may want to feel more secure and take good care of their heart. Their past may have been haunted by times when they had to turn off their emotions, and the present may make them realize that they have been losing focus on their goals rather than the processes of making their dreams come true.

The sweetest things and the joy of living cannot come if you are more focused on your ambitions than taking care of your inner desires. People with the South Node in Capricorn know everything they have to do to make their career perfect, but this indicates that they may neglect aspects of their personal life.

They most likely don’t know how to connect emotionally with their family membersincluding their little ones.

As for romance, they find it difficult to express their emotions. Your present should be used to use the South Nodes in Capricorn and Cancer energy, as it is a little weaker and more open.

They should not build walls around it. People with the North Node of Cancer can learn that it is okay to be soft and caring if circumstances call for it.

More than this, they may discover that there are many individuals that they can trust and that no one wants to harm them. They love to work hard and can do a lot to make their dreams come true.

If they want to be happy, they need a home or a special place where they can express their emotions and where they can cry.. This place needs to be isolated from outside noise.