No wild animals in the circus!

will be there for the premiere performance to protest against the exploitation of wild animals in the circus together with other animal welfare and animal rights organizations.

PRESS DATE: protest in Hamburg

At the September 8, 2022 from 6 p.m. in Hamburg St. Pauli on the Heiligengeistfeld

Interview partner: campaign manager Martin Rittershofen

In the coalition agreement, the Hanseatic city criticizes the keeping of wild animals in the circus. In the past, Hamburg has even actively supported initiatives for a nationwide ban. “It is a scandal that Circus Krone has received permission to perform in the city for several weeks with lions, tigers and other exotic species. Hamburg would have the opportunity to ban this animal-hostile form of entertainment at the municipal level. The districts could themselves prohibit the allocation of public spaces to wild animal circuses on the basis of regulatory law, as several Berlin districts have already successfully implemented. But apparently Hamburg lacks political will. A total of around 100 German cities and municipalities have already issued a ban or restrictions on wild animal circuses. We call on Hamburg to do the same and to take a stand against animal cruelty,” said Martin Rittershofen.

The keeping of wild animals in the circus is highly problematic from an animal welfare point of view, since a mobile company cannot take the needs of the animals into account: They suffer from frequent changes of location, small cages, inappropriate housing conditions, questionable training methods and the performances associated with high levels of stress. Most of the time, the animals live in transport vehicles that are far too narrow, in which there is usually hardly any space for climbing, digging, running, bathing or swimming. The consequences are a massive loss of quality of life and behavioral disorders. As a result, the animals can become a danger not only to themselves, but also to people. Again and again, accidents occur in circuses with wild animals or the frightened animals escape and become a threat to the public as they flee.

You can find more information about ‘ commitment to a ban on wild animals in the circus here.