The Olympic Games, it is said, would not have been born without nikethe Greek goddess who personified victory, sport, triumph and strength. Actually, its main quality and what is known is precisely the victory, due to its history that, incidentally, is not human. Even with this, his presence in world sports just is essential and his narrative dates back to this fascinating tour of the Olympics.
Nike, also known as Niké, It is represented in several ways, being handling a cart pulled by two horses, but it is much more than that, or a simple legend. This is a goddess who gave us one of the most important events in the world and whose purpose is to unite the nations of the five continents through sport.
Nike used to be with Zeus.Svetlanka777 / Getty Images
But who is the goddess Nike?
In the Greek culture there is little of Nike, Since unlike other deities it is rather a personification of victory, as mentioned above. That is, the gods and the personified goddesses had no human stories, but are somewhat more fictitious within the Greek culture.
Nike is the result of the relationship between Estigia, ocean daughter and shovelsa titan. He had three sisters, also, personified deities: Zelus (rivalry), crratos (supremacy) and bia (force). It is said that the four were always sitting next to Zeus, so they are represented in such a way, pictorially and together. Even so, Nike appeared alone in sculptures, ceramics and coins in ancient Greece with wings He often carries a victory crown made of Laurel, which is given to anyone who gets a victory. In this case, to Athletes as in the Olympic Games in Athens in 2004. Therefore, the Angel of Independence is the representation of the winged victory of the independence movement.