Every problem has its solution, as long as it is dealt with in time, with specialists in the field. As embarrassing as it may be, you have to discuss it to clear up any doubts you have about it. Although it is sometimes believed that it becomes more difficult with age, this should be put aside and faced with maturity.
This is the case of nocturnal emissions, wet dreams or «nocturnal emissions», as they are known in the scientific field. It is a type of ejaculation that occurs to the man while he sleeps. According to specialist doctors, nocturnal emissions cannot be completely defined as an ejaculation, since, unlike masturbation or sexual intercourse, it is involuntary.
These emissions are more frequent during the adolescent stage. But despite this, even being adults or older adults, they also manifest themselves, although without the same regularity. The doctors say that there is nothing strange about this, so it cannot be considered a disease. The term “nocturnal” is designated to him, because it is in that space of time where this action of the human body is generated. The secretion of semen occurs during the REM (rapid eye movement) phase. It happens particularly in this period where sleep is deeper, and the body suffers a drop in pulse and body temperature. They are usually accompanied by erotic dreams, although not necessarily. Some theories maintain that it is caused by fantasies of the same type. However, there are men who, when going through that, assured that their dreams lacked any erotic content.
Studies reveal that the expulsion of seminal fluid can take place more than 2 times, without the man realizing that this is happening. They also reflect that its cause may be due to a lack of frequent ejaculation, so the body seeks to release the accumulation of sperm, and thus avoid overheating. This can help keep the semen in optimal conditions for fertilization. So they recommend that if you don’t regularly have intercourse, try to masturbate more often.
If you ask yourself, being a woman, can the same thing happen to me? The answer is no. You will never experience pollution like a man, because you do not generate seminal fluid, but you will have moisture originating from the Skene and Bartholin glands, which are two tiny secretory glands located on each side of the opening of the vagina, which help to lubricate the vaginal lips during sexual intercourse.
Although this process is assigned the term of pollution, or seminal loss, it should not be considered that something bad happens to you, so you do not have to be ashamed of your partner. If he notices that his sheets are stained in the morning, as well as his nightclothes, he does not reprimand him, since it can trigger a feeling of guilt. She acts natural, try to talk to him and let him know that there is nothing to worry about. It’s just a physiological process, which together you can avoid.
Sex has multiple benefits for your health. Live and enjoy Improve your well-being!