New Moon Abundance Check (How to Fill, Refill, or Make It)

Wealth Check How about writing a check that brings you abundance? Have you ever heard that the Universe responds to all your decrees? As well. Here we are going to present one of the techniques related to the concept of the Law of Attraction that is quite simple to do.

However, let’s first start by asking ourselves: What, really, is an abundance check?


What is it and what does it consist of?

The abundance check is a tool, technique or ritual that allows you to gain abundance in your life. This abundance can of course manifest itself in different ways: money, health, self-confidence, love, new friends, new job, joy, happiness, travel, clothes…

It is important that the abundance check is written on a new moon. Why in this period? The new moon is considered the symbol of fertility and production. Therefore, it is the ideal time to create new projects and start a new activity. At this stage, all areas of your life thrive.

By writing this check, you align your intention with that of the Universe: for new associations, for the manifestation of your gifts and the development of your abilities, for the provision of material needs, for the realization of your dreams, for alignment with Creativity, Peace, Friends, Harmony.

Finally, you meet yourself with the Energy of Abundance, opening yourself up for it to manifest in your life.


How to fill out wealth check

Step 1: Check the calendar of the next New Moon. Consult a calendar that includes lunar cycles and look for the next new moon. Start this abundance check technique, as we mentioned earlier, on the night of the new moon.

Step 2 Use an active checking account. Tear out a real check from an active bank account checkbook which is better than doing it from a blank piece of paper, but if you have no other choice you can do it that way too.

Step 3 Meditate and visualize to manifest yourself. Hold the check in your hands. Light green candles or use any spiritual medium, such as meditative music, to center and concentrate.

Step 4 How to fill out the wealth check (front side)

  • In the DATE block: write NOW! There is no better time than the present to start receiving from the Universe!
  • In the NAME block: write your full given name
  • On the CASH: line, type PAID IN FULL. You’re letting the Universe know that you know it’s already in the bank!
  • In the AMOUNT: box, type PAID IN FULL.
  • On the MEMO line: start writing what you would like to manifest. You will be able to continue on the back of the check below the signature line.
  • On the SIGNATURE line: write ABUNDANCE LAW

Include any doodles, signs, or symbols that may be important to you on your check. There is a line that many manifesting coaches say… “Or something bigger, and so it is”. This is a really great clause to add to your Wealth Checks. Sometimes you don’t know what limitations you’re putting on your vision.

Step 5 How to fill out the wealth check (reverse side)

  • Draw a line one inch from the top of the check to create space for your backing.
  • Above the ENDORSEMENT line: sign with your SIGNATURE as if you were actually depositing the check in the bank. Just below your signature write FOR IMMEDIATE DEPOSIT.
  • Below the endorsement line, use that space to add more ideas to what you would like to manifest in this lunar cycle and in the future.

step 6 Carry the abundance check in a wallet with money and credit cards. Carry your check with you or post it in a prominent place where it can be seen. Repeat the process every month at the start of the new moon.


Remember that…

The most important secret is to have faith. Send through your thoughts, your emotions, your beliefs and your actions a powerful vibration and intention and it attracts and resonates with the equivalent of its vibrations. So the best thing you can do is send it positively!

It is the principle of the law of attraction and quantum physics; at the source and belongs to each one…In any area of ​​your life, abundance is already present.


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