New minimalist trend. A new minimalism: reverence the essential. Bored, impersonal, easy, bland … fortunately, we have long stopped associated with adjectives like these – and imagine purely white and empty rooms – when speaking of minimalism. Desired by many and disdained by others, this trend, which in its purest essence is defined in opposition to excess (of objects, shapes, colors, etc.), has been established for years in the collective imaginary. However, since it emerged at the beginning of the 60s, it has evolved until it leads to a more refined and permissive version. «Each person understands the same scenario differently, so our needs, in terms of aesthetics and environments, vary from one to another,» clarifies the psychologist Daniel Orozco. Hence, for what some is a chaotic space or with excessive visual noise, for others it is translated as a more than welcome source of stimuli. However, and despite being a subjective field, there are studies – there are studies – » majority, «says Orozco – who shows that an atmosphere without overload helps us to relax our mind.
When we enter a built space, «we receive Inputs that impact and modify our nervous system, emotions, behavior and intellectual performance. Those, added to many other factors, reduce the levels of cortisol, the hormone associated with stress, and raise oxytocin and serotonin, two of the hormones of happiness, ”explained Rita Gasalla, president of the Healthy Architecture Observatory (OAS) and CEO of Galöw healthy architecture when we interviewed it on the Importance of architecture and mental health design. We are not surprised, therefore, that with the current rhythm of life and consumption, this New minimalist trendnew minimalism, has been postulated as the decorative current par excellence to generate peace and harmony.
What do experts say
Pablo Delgado and Cristina Garau (architects and founders of Maximale Studio), which are committed to a calm chromatic palette, few decorative elements and design pieces ad hoc When they carry out their projects, they are clear that, today, to talk about this trend is to talk about priorities. “You can be maximalist concept and then represent those ideas more minimalist. We love to rethink every decision so as not to waste resources and get the effects we are looking for, «they say.
In his newly opened study (C/ Vallehermoso 94) of the capital they have followed their own maxims to the letter: “When we begin to intervene the place, the first thing we think was: 'What do we need to be at ease and work well? An area to make presentations, another for day to day and another to relax. ' With that in mind we put each corner and object to design, regardless of the decorative elements That, we consider, they were not necessary. «Thus, this creative duo eliminates the complexes so far associated with the oldest aspect of this current, getting rid of all its limitations.» It is not so much about removing and not excessively put, of stopping to see what is going to make you happy and not to atibor the space with elements that really will not define it, «they sentence. minimalist and how to replicate it at home.
1. Sustainability
«Years ago, in an interview in which John Pawson asked how he could live in such a empty house, he replied: 'For me he is not a minimalist, he has everything I need.' That is what happens to me when I enter a space like our study. I see nothing to provide value that is not already included, ”says Garau. For maximale, acquiring or accumulating objects that will not have a daily function – whether utilitarian or truly aesthetic – it only leads to feeding an unnecessary consumption cycle. The good, if brief, twice good.
2. Combine
“Many people buy families of objects thinking that everything is done, or even products of the same color or with similar details. There's no need. You can have a table and chair made 60 years apart that marry perfectly. The important thing is, on the one hand, to look at the fact that they are quality materials and, on the other, that the proportions and the design are adequate, ”says Garau. For its part, Delgado is committed to the work furniture: “It is a More architectural approachbut it helps you get ahead of the future and minimize visual noise. That type of detail makes, when you leave a certain place, you want to return to it without knowing very well why. They leave a mark that always stays with you. ”
3. The color
Although, for now, the bulk of their projects have an imperturbable serenity patina, architects do not hesitate to talk about the infinite possibilities of color: “You can introduce perfectly but consciously. It is a mistake to fall into just add small brushstrokes so as not to happen. If you are going to use it, do it well. Do not go to decorate, if a space you feel like it is red, then do it red, but plan it, stúdial and potential it ”.
4. Art and decoration
“There is a fundamental part of meeting yourself. We are like that, we like things to be integrated, that there is a speech behind and that what surrounds us is not an amalgam of meaningless pieces, ”begins thin. “Our way of consuming is the same in all fields, we prefer to have fewer objects but better qualityand that also translates into how we conceive and understand the spaces, ”says Grau. Of the few pieces that complete their study, a sculpture placed in front of the entrance shows is struck. “It is the only one we have, and although it is the same tone as the rest of the objects, if it had been yellow, it would also have enchanted us because it is special. That is the best advice I could give to someone. If you want to introduce an element by pure aesthetic enjoyment, that means something for you, that you see it beautiful. ”
5. The trends
In recent years we have seen resources such as use of curtains to separate environments or the insertion of metal elements to induce freshness to become authentic trends. From Maximale they support these decisions as long as they have a background: “In our study, for example, we hide certain objects or areas that we do not want to be seen with the naked eye with textiles. It is a technique that works very well and that brings a lot of warmth, but makes it because it makes sense in context. It is not a universal strategy, it is not worth putting it everywhere. In fact, they can go very badly, ”they assure us.
Article originally published in AD Spain.