«It’s high time ebay classifieds made changes to the way it sells animals. Unfortunately, the updated principles, such as only allowing ads for puppies from 12 weeks of age and banning torture breeding and animals from abroad, are illusory if they cannot be controlled. Without a verification obligation for the seller and without a secure traceability of all animals, criminal traders will be able to proceed just as anonymously and undetected as before. They will hide behind false names and fake profiles and mislead consumers. Only when criminal puppy traders run the risk of being unmasked and criminal consequences are to be expected will they withdraw from the market. But for this we need effective measures on the platforms as well as legal obligations for all online platforms to make online trade in animals safe. This is the only way consumers and animals can be protected,” says Daniela Schneider.
Public expects laws for online trade in animals
The vast majority of Germans also expect politicians to make online trade in animals safe. In a survey published by , 86 percent of those questioned stated that there must be laws for the sale of animals on online platforms. In addition, 91 percent would register as owners in a pet database.
You can find out more about this in the representative survey, which carried out in August 2020. Read the entire survey here.
For more information see here.
More than 90,000 people are already demanding that the federal government stop the illegal puppy trade. You too can sign the appeal. You can access the petition here.
Daniela Schneider is available for interviews