After what happened at the Oscars with Will Smith and Chris Rock, the actor faces a new problem with Netflix.
After the controversy that was generated because Chris Rock made a comment about Will Smith’s wife that ultimately ended in a slap. The problems for the actor do not end, because now Netflix announced that he decided to cancel the new film where Will was the protagonist to focus on another production.
Netflix cancels new movie where Will Smith was the protagonist
Although both Will Smith and Chris Rock have already come out to talk about what happened at the Oscar Awards, everything seems to indicate that the behavior of both still seems inappropriate to many. For that reason, several followers of the actor believe that Netflix canceled the production of the film Fast and Loose which was starring Will.
According to hollywoodreporterDavid Leitch, who would direct the film, resigned from the project and chose to work on the production of the film fallguy starring Ryan Gosling and is produced by Universal Studios. All because of Will’s behavior, which led him to resign from the project as well as from the streaming platform.
And you, what do you think of Netflix’s decision not to work with Will Smith? Leave us your comments in this note and share on all your social networks.