Need for approval: How do I know if I need others to accept me? – Online Psychologists

Feeling loved by those closest to you is one of the intrinsic ambitions of the human being. Since the beginning as a species we are social beings, in need of interaction with our peers. We feel need for approval Because being accepted and valued by others makes us feel part of the group, but it is dangerous to depend too much on it.

The need for approval is often a characteristic related to low self-esteem. A person with low self-confidence will seek approval from others. acceptance of the rest. That need is dangerous for the interests of the individual, since it is exposed to manipulations. In this article, we will teach you the keys to knowing if you have that need.

What is the need for approval?

From a psychological language, the need for approval is the predisposition that a person has to act in a manner consistent with the codes of the social group to which they are taken as a reference. This social group can be friends, which is common among teenagers, or family. The person sacrifices his or her personality in order to fit into his or her reference group.

If you put this panorama in perspective, you will think that the need for approval is something negative that only serves the rest of the people who want to take advantage of good faith. In reality, it is a reflection of the fact that the human being is, by nature, a be social. You as a person You can't act like there's only you in the world.Living with others is also an important part of life.

The situation is different if the need for approval is excessive and this pressure influences all the decisions in your personal life. In extreme cases, the influence from outside can affect your professional lifeThe common belief that arises in this kind of people is that they are not liked by others, and they even behave in a strange and unspontaneous way in order to try to gain their acceptance.

If you feel that the need for approval dominates your life, do not hesitate to contact an online psychologist.

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How to deal with the need for approval

If you feel that all your decisions depend on the opinions of the people who make up your exterior, perhaps it is the time to act. Apply some of the tips you will read below to be able to start a path towards self-acceptance:

Don't focus on a closed circle of friends, open up

Your social life doesn't have to be about connecting with a closed group of people. Socialize and connect with as many people as possible.

Expanding your social circlethe feeling of having to conform to a certain moral and conduct code disappears completely. You will be surrounded by people who They think differently and through experimentation with being with different groups, it's easier to find people you feel comfortable with just as you are.

Point out which people are toxic

The anxiety that arises from wanting to be liked by people is usually a desire that comes from the individual himself, without external pressures. On the other hand, there are people who will try to encourage this type of behavior for personal gain. It is key to detect which people close to you are trying to feed that behavior to eliminate them from your life.

Discover your passions

The fear to be rejected On most occasions, it forces you to abandon those hobbies that you like the most simply because of «what will people say». However, once you start to make time for your passions, the importance of outside opinions will gradually decrease. What's more, Cultivating your passions you can meet fantastic people willing to lend you a hand.

Develop assertiveness

Communicate with the people around you. Tell them what things you would like to do and What are your feelings?With assertive communication you will feel better about yourself and you will get people to respect you more.

If these tips don't work for you and you continue to feel the pressure of «what will they say», «what will they think» or «I need to be part of this group» it is time to go to therapyA professional psychologist can be the ideal solution to abandon addiction and improve your self-esteem levels.

At we have been helping patients from all over the world find their well-being since 2012. We were pioneers in offering online therapy and that is why we know that it is an economical, but equally effective, alternative to traditional therapies.

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