Mythomania is a personality disorder characterized by the tendency to lie compulsively and for no apparent reason.
Mythomaniacs often invent exaggerated or completely false stories and tales about themselves or other aspects of their lives, even if these tales do not bring them any obvious benefit.
Mythomania can manifest itself in a number of ways, from lying about small details to inventing completely fantastic stories.
On the other hand, emotional dependence is a relationship pattern in which a person feels in constant need of another person's approval and affection. It can manifest itself in romantic, friendly or family relationships, and is characterized by the need to receive constant attention, affection and support.
People with emotional dependence often have low self-esteem and difficulty making decisions for themselves, which can lead to toxic relationships or even manipulation of the other person.
Is there a connection between mythomania and emotional dependence?
Although there is no direct relationship between mythomania and emotional dependence, it is possible that people who suffer from mythomania also present emotional dependence.
For example, a person with mythomaniac behavior may compulsively lie to gain approval or affection from others, which could be a sign of emotional dependency.
On the other hand, emotional dependence can lead a person to accept without question the lies of the person they are dependent on, which can perpetuate mythomaniac behavior.
What are the possible causes of mythomania and emotional dependence?
The exact causes of these disorders are not known with certainty, but it is believed that they may be related to genetic, environmental and psychological factors.
For example, mythomania and emotional dependence have been found to be associated with mental disorders such as depression or narcissistic personality disorder.
It has also been suggested that mythomania and emotional dependency may have a psychological basis, such as low self-esteem or a lack of self-confidence. In addition, the environment in which a person grows up, such as family or group of friends, may influence the development of these disorders.
Photo: Envato Elements
How can mythomania and emotional dependence be treated?
Mythomania and emotional dependence are complex disorders that may require long-term psychological treatment.
Some of the most common treatments include cognitive behavioral therapy, which focuses on changing negative thought and behavior patterns, and interpersonal therapy, which focuses on improving social skills and communication.
It may also be helpful to work with a psychologist to identify and address possible underlying causes of mythomania and emotional dependency.
Seek professional help from a psychologist: why is it important to seek professional help?
Although some people with mythomania or emotional dependency may be able to overcome these disorders on their own, most will need professional help to do so.
The psychologist can provide support and guidance throughout the recovery process and can help a person identify and address the underlying causes of these disorders.
Additionally, a psychologist or therapist can help a person develop skills and strategies to deal with mythomania and emotional dependency in a healthier way.
At we have a large team of senior psychologists who can help you in the treatment of mythomania.
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In conclusion, mythomania and emotional dependence are two complex disorders that may be related in some way. Although the exact causes of these disorders are not known, it is believed that they may be associated with genetic, environmental and psychological factors.
If you think you may be suffering from mythomania or emotional dependency, it is important to seek professional help to treat these disorders effectively. A psychologist or therapist can provide the support and guidance needed to help you overcome these disorders and improve your quality of life.
Remember, that in addition to here on our blog, in our Instagram account You have a wide range of tips to help you feel better.
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